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Strategies for Enhancing the International Discourse Power of Chinese Sports:from the Perspective of the WSR System Methodology

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 广东金融学院

出  处: 《北京体育大学学报》 2022年第12期67-78,共12页

摘  要: 加强中国体育国际话语权是构建和提升中国话语体系的重要内容,是讲好中国故事、传播好中国声音、彰显中国特色,使中国走向世界舞台中央的必经之路。以物理—事理—人理(WSR)系统方法论为理论基础,从物理、事理、人理3个方面分析研究中国体育国际话语体系构成要素、实现步骤、生成困扰及提升策略。研究发现:中国体育国际话语权体系的物理主要为权力关系、价值观念、制度规则;事理主要为话语权利的主张、话语权力的掌握和运用;人理主要为权力的平等协作、价值的多元共和、制度的规范合作。在此基础上,对中国体育国际话语权物理、事理、人理之间关系进行辨析,进而分析中国体育国际话语权实现过程及存在问题,提出中国体育国际话语权提升策略:1)物理强基,即权力关系普遍需求转化为国际体育话语,中国体育价值观念意愿转化为世界表达,制度规则国内聚变转化为世界调变;2)事理拓能,即提升中国体育国际话语权利的表达能力,加强中国体育国际话语权力的掌握和运用;3)人理共进,促进国际体育规则制度的规范合作,实现体育国际话语权力的平等协作,尊重体育国际价值观念的多元共和。 Strengthening the international discourse power of Chinese sports is an important part of building and improving the Chinese discourse system,and it is the only way to tell Chinese stories well,spread Chinese voices,highlight Chinese characteristics,and bring China to the center of the world stage.Based on the Wuli—Shili—Renli(WSR)system methodology,this paper analyzes and studies the constituent elements,implementation steps,generation problems and improvement strategies of the international discourse system of Chinese sports from three aspects:Wuli,Shili and Renli.It is found that the Wuli of the international discourse power system of Chinese sports mainly refers to power relations,values,and institutional rules.The Shili is mainly the assertion of discourse rights,the grasp and use of discourse power;the Renli is mainly the equal cooperation of power,the plurality of values,and the normative cooperation of systems.On this basis,this paper analyzes the relationship among the Wuli,Shili and Renli of China’s international discourse power,and then analyzes the process and existing problems of realizing China’s international discourse power in sports,and puts forward strategies for improving China’s international discourse power in sports:1)Wuli strong basis,that is,the universal demand of power relations is transformed into international sports discourse,the willingness of Chinese sports values is transformed into world expression,and the domestic fusion of institutional rules is transformed into world adjustment;2)understanding and developing capabilities,that is,improving the expression ability of international discourse power of Chinese sports and strengthening the mastery and application of international discourse power of Chinese sports;3)to promote the normative cooperation of international sports rules and systems,realize the equal cooperation of international sports discourse power,and respect the harmony of pluralistic international sports values.The study aims to provide theoretical support an

关 键 词: 中国体育 国际话语权 物理 事理 人理 实践策略

领  域: [文化科学—体育学]


作者 涂锋
作者 徐春波
作者 曾诚
作者 邵先成
作者 朱雅婧


机构 广州体育学院
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 肇庆学院体育与健康学院
