作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南师范大学历史文化学院
出 处: 《史学集刊》 2012年第3期31-37,共7页
摘 要: 北魏时期,异姓贵族主要指拓跋同宗九姓和勋臣八姓。在通婚关系上,拓跋和同宗九姓因有血缘关系,"百世不通婚";同宗九姓的通婚对象主要是少数族权贵和汉族大族。勋臣八姓成为宗室的主要通婚对象,但勋臣诸姓与宗室通婚也有亲疏之别。总的来看,与宗室通婚较频繁的勋姓,如穆氏、陆氏、于氏、尉氏等。而贺氏和刘氏等,由于其所出的贺兰部和独孤部曾有过与拓跋部争权的历史,故北魏建国后宗室与他们的联姻并不多见。除宗室外,异姓贵族通婚的对象以少数族居多,但汉族也不少。这说明,随着北魏政权汉化程度的加深,民族间的通婚范围更加广泛。 Dissimilar surname nobles mainly refer to the nine surnames of the same - clan with Tuoba's (拓跋 ) and eight surnames of Xun then ( 勋臣, Meritorious ministers) in Northern Wei Dynasty. They were prohibited to intermarry since the nine surname of Tuoba's same -clan had blood relationship. The nine surnames mainly married to minority and large Han families, and eight surnames of Xun Chen become main intermarriage partner of imperial clan, but there were distinction. Generally speaking, the imperial clan married frequentlyXunChensurname, such as Mu (穆氏), Lu (陆氏), Yu (于氏), Wei (尉氏) and so on, whereas the imperial clan hardly married to He ( 贺氏 ) and Liu ( 刘氏 ) , who came from Helan (贺兰) and Dugu (独孤) tribes that had struggled with Tuoba tribe for power. In addition to imperial clan, dissimilar surname nobles also married to minority, and the Han families were their marriage partners as well, which suggests that the interethnic marriage extends as the Chinesization of Northern Wei Dynasty deepens.
领 域: [历史地理—历史学] [历史地理—中国史]