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The Influence of Time Pressure and Similarity on Analogical Reasoning Intuitive

作  者: ; (胡竹菁);

机构地区: 江西师范大学心理学院

出  处: 《心理学探新》 2020年第3期214-220,共7页

摘  要: 通过两个实验探讨了时间压力对类比推理的直觉加工的影响。实验1采用三因素混合实验设计,以48名大学生为被试,在不同时间压力条件下对不同相似性言语类比推理题进行喜好度判断和类比推理逻辑判断。实验2是在实验1的基础上用图形类比推理题代替语义类比推理题,以56名大学生为被试。结果发现:(1)时间压力下,对跨领域言语类比推理的直觉加工效应显著高于逻辑加工效应;(2)时间压力下,低难度图形类比推理题的直觉加工效应显著高于逻辑加工效应。无时间压力条件下,图形类比推理的逻辑加工效应优势明显;(3)时间压力对类比推理的直觉加工和逻辑加工均有影响。 The present study conducted two experiments to explore the influence of time pressure on analogical reasoning intuitive.Experiment 1 used three factors mixture design and asked 48 participants to judge the semantic propositional analogy problems with a paradigm of preference judgment,compared its responses to time pressure and similarity with explicit processes.Experiment 2 replaced semantic propositional analogy problems with figures analogical problems and asked 56 participants to judge the items.The results showed:(1)Under the time pressure,the accuracy rate of intuitive logic on corss-domain similarity items was mostly higher than that of controlled logic;(2)Under the time pressure,the accuracy rate of intuitive logic on low difficult items was higher than that of controlled logic.Without time pressure,the controlled logic of figures analogy problems has more advantages;(3)Time pressure had a stronger influence on both implicit processes and explicit processes of analogical reasoning.

关 键 词: 时间压力 类比推理 内隐加工 喜好度判断

领  域: [哲学宗教—基础心理学] [哲学宗教—心理学]


作者 黄晓旭
作者 冯英琪
作者 贺明生
作者 倪娟娟
作者 陈璞


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东女子职业技术学院
机构 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系


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作者 倪坚
作者 程建伟
作者 杨彪
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