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The Rise and Fall of the School Battalion in the Third Republic of France

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学外国语学院

出  处: 《世界历史》 2018年第4期91-103,157,共14页

摘  要: 普法战争后,法兰西第三共和国政府视普及初等学校体育为重建军事强国、实现民族复兴大业的一个有效途径,首次采取立法手段将体育设置为初等学校必修课,希望初等学校通过开展体育和军事教育,从而为军队输送忠诚强健的"公民战士"。学生课外军事训练组织——学生军应时而生,并迅速发展壮大,树立起一个爱国主义少年先锋队的形象,完美地诠释了共和派"儿童—战士—公民"一体的理念。然而,在第三共和国复杂的政治与社会环境下,高举军事爱国主义旗帜的学生军被打上了过于强烈的复仇和尚武的烙印,同时还带有宗教挑衅色彩,再加上学生军自身存在的问题,这些因素使得学生军最终未能成为共和国的少年先锋队。尽管如此,学生军仍不失为第三共和国的一个核心价值观,即爱国主义的最鲜明、最集中的表现之一,同时对促进法兰西现代民族国家和共和制国家的构建与巩固也起到了一定的积极作用。 After the FrancoPrussian War,the Third Republic of France regarded the physical education in primary schools as an effective approach to reestablish the military power and realize the national revival.It was the first time in France that the government legislated the physical education as a required course in primary schools,expecting that the physical and military education could form the loyal and robust‘CitizenSoldier’for the Republic army.The school battalion was born accordingly and rapidly expanded,beginning to become a youth patriotic pioneer of the Republic.As an organization for students’extracurricular military training,the school battalion perfectly interpreted the republic idea of‘ChildrenCitizenSoldier’.However,the factors,such as the complex political and social context of the Third Republic of France,the revengeful and militaristic character of the school battalion and its religious provocative colour,and the own problems of the school battalion,prevented the school battalion from becoming a youth pioneer of the Republic eventually.Nevertheless,it represented the patriotism which was one of the core values in the Third Republic of France,and also played a certain positive role in constructing and consolidating the French modern nationstate and the republican regime.

关 键 词: 学生军 军事教育 初等教育 爱国主义教育 法兰西第三共和国

领  域: [历史地理—历史学] [历史地理—世界史]


作者 郭立新
作者 杨云云
作者 张立娜
作者 周晓华
作者 黄素芳


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 韶关学院
机构 华南理工大学
