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Legally Sociological Study on Straight Marriage Based on the Perspective of Women’s Rights Protection

作  者: ;

机构地区: 东莞理工学院

出  处: 《东莞理工学院学报》 2023年第6期85-89,共5页

摘  要: 中国社会对同性恋者包容度至今仍然较低,基于生育或掩盖真实性取向的考虑,不少同性恋者尤其是男同性恋者选择同直婚姻,建立一个表面看来正常的异性婚姻家庭。同直婚姻衍生一类弱势社会群体——同妻和同夫,相较同夫和同性恋丈夫,同妻境遇更为悲惨。当下解决同妻问题存在诸多障碍,在我国解决同妻问题可以通过三种路径:观念变革与社会支持、个人预防和自我调适、制度完善与制度保障,其中法制既是同妻权益保护的一个面向,也是同妻问题解决机制运行的制度保障。 Chinese society still has a low tolerance for homosexuals.Due to considerations such as fertility or concealing their true sexual orientation,many homosexuals,especially male homosexuals,choose to enter into a straight marriage to establish a seemingly normal opposite-sex marriage and family.Straight marriage gives rise to a vulnerable social group,namely,wives of homosexuals and husbands of homosexuals.Compared with husbands of homosexuals and homosexual husbands,the situation of wives of homosexuals is even more tragic.Currently,there are many obstacles to solving the problems of wives of homosexuals.There are three paths to solving the problems of wives of homosexuals in China:ideological change and social support,personal prevention and self-adjustment,institutional improvement and institutional security.The legal system is both a dimension of the protection of the rights of wives of homosexuals and an institutional guarantee for the operation of the mechanism for solving the problems of wives of homosexuals.

关 键 词: 同性恋 同直婚姻 同妻 权益保护

领  域: [政治法律—民商法学] [政治法律—法学]


作者 李新凤
作者 熊金才
作者 谭红秀
作者 许承余
作者 陈静梅


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 五邑大学广东侨乡文化研究中心
机构 暨南大学法学院


作者 钟明霞
作者 钟澄
作者 蒋学跃
作者 杨剑
作者 姚秀兰