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Analysis of Defensive Technique and Tactics Application in European Football Cup in 2000

作  者: ; (陈效科); ;

机构地区: 北京体育大学

出  处: 《北京体育大学学报》 2001年第2期264-266,共3页

摘  要: 通过观察 2 0 0 0年欧洲杯足球赛 16支参赛队的全部 31场比赛 ,将比赛中出现的个人防守行为以防守形式划分为断球和抢球两类统计指标。对断、抢两类指标及集体防守行为中的围抢形式出现的次数进行统计 ,分析本届欧洲杯赛中防守技战术的运用特征和组织形式。结果表明 :防守中的技战术行为是围绕整体防守队形展开的 ,表现出很强的整体性特征。断球成为最主要的个人防守形式。围抢是在防守队形的保护层次形成后 ,在局部区域内 ,数名防守队员相互协调 ,围堵控球队员 ,并将球抢断下来的一种集体性的防守行为。在前、中、后场各区域内 ,防守行为表现出不同的战术目的。通过防守行为的整体性和主动性加强防守效果 ,是各队在防守中的主导思想。 The 16 teams participating in the European Football Cup in 2000 were observed in 31 matches. According to the defensive pattern, the individual defensive actions on the matches were divided into two sorts of statistical indexes, that is picking off and challenging for the ball. The indexes, such as picking up and challenging for the ball and the times of girding pluck during group defending were calculated statistically. The characteristics of defensive technique and tactics application in this European Football Cup and its organization pattern were analyzed. The results indicated that the technique and tactics in defending revolved round the compact defence system, showing the characteristics of compactness. Picking off became the most important individual defensive technique. After the protect cover of the compact defence had been formed, in part of the zone several defenders cooperated each other to stop up the player in possession and challenged for the ball. That is the girding pluck, a sort of group defensive actions. In different zones, the upfield, the midfield and the backfield, defensive actions appeared to have different tactical purposes. The dominant idea of each team in defending was to strengthen the defensive effects by compactness and initiative of defensive actions.

关 键 词: 防守技战术 个人防守 比赛 欧洲杯 队形 守中 参赛队 运用分析 欧洲足球锦标赛 组织形式

领  域: [文化科学—体育训练] [文化科学—体育学]


作者 邱晓华
作者 石挺荣
作者 朱甜
作者 江景
作者 滕刚


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 广东创新科技职业学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东工业大学
