机构地区: 三江学院
出 处: 《三江高教》 2014年第4期7-12,共6页
摘 要: 经济社会的发展,要求以应用型人才培养为主的民办高等院校立足于办学自主性相对较大、对市场需求更加敏感的自身优势,探寻"管理、办学、评价"分离,拓宽人才培养质量的改革思路。对民办高校而言,重新进行教学管理体制的顶层设计,构建应用型人才培养质量评价标准体系,建立多元评价、多方评价机制,运用信息技术手段,建立有效的教学调控机制,是民办高校走出困境,实现可持续发展的"一剂良方"。 With the social economic development,non- governmental universities whose goal is to cultivate applied talents are required to expand their operational autonomy,maintain their advantage of flexibility in their meeting the need of the market,try the separation of management,operation and appraisal,and raise their talent cultivation quality to a higher level. A way- out for non- governmental universities to break through predicament,and sustain their survival and development is to re- design the top- level system of teaching management,re- construct a talent cultivation quality appraisal system,set up a multiple elements and multi- sides appraisal mechanism,and build a teaching adjustment and control system through IT technology.
领 域: [文化科学—高等教育学] [文化科学—教育学]