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Social Mobilization for Women through Law:The Communist Party of China and the Practice of Marriage&Family Law in Rural Areas before 1949

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西北政法大学行政法学院

出  处: 《法学家》 2021年第5期100-113,194,共15页

摘  要: 在中华人民共和国成立之前,中国共产党通过制定颁布婚姻家庭法律的方式对农村女性展开的社会动员,促使她们走出家庭和走入社会,支持乃至参与中国革命。中国共产党此种通过法律的社会动员,当时赢得了大量农村女性的认同,但起初也曾因一部分内容过于激进,引发一些男性农民、革命战士乃至部分党员干部的质疑或抵制。中国共产党随后不断修订完善相关法律,有效地回应了前述质疑或抵制,最终赢得更多人的支持。这充分说明了中国共产党坚持群众路线与实事求是的优良传统。同样重要的还有,中国共产党通过法律对女性的社会动员,使女性从实践中认识到自身在家庭、社会及政治领域中所拥有的种种权利。这样的认知逻辑,与西方女性主义以性别政治为基础来主张女性权利的认知逻辑有着本质上的不同。 This article focuses on the social mobilization for women launched by the Communist Party of China through marriage&family law before the foundation of the People’s Republic of China.The Communist Party of China encouraged rural women to step out their home into the society,approve and attend the revolution.Through such social mobilization,the Communist Party of China has won the recognition of a large number of rural women in the age of revolution.But at the same time,many rural men,soldiers and part cadres opposed and even resisted the marriage&family law at the outset,for some of the contents of marriage&family law were considered as too radical and lost contact with the social reality at that time.The Communist Party of China thus revised and perfected the contents of marriage&family law,and effectively won more support from the people finally,which fully proves that the Communist Party of China insisted its fine tradition of adhering to the mass line and seeking truth from facts.Equally important,with the aid of the social mobilization for women through law,the Communist Party of China facilitates rural women to realize their rights in family,society and politics.This cognitive logic is essentially different from that of western feminism who advocates women’s rights on the basis of gender politics.

关 键 词: 中国共产党 农村女性 婚姻家庭法律 社会动员 女性主义

领  域: [政治法律—法学]


作者 贺文洁
作者 孙晓晖
作者 张丰清
作者 刘晨熙
作者 姜凌


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 深圳大学


作者 姚秀兰
作者 翟玉娟
作者 朱兴有
作者 付莹
作者 邓志红