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The Constraint of an Artist——The Controversy and Methods About the Interpretation of the Poem “Wanli Fengbo” by Chen Yinque and Zhang Ertian

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学人文科学学院历史系

出  处: 《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2019年第5期58-74,199-200,共18页

摘  要: 1935年底,陈寅恪在《李德裕贬死年月及归葬传说辨证》一文内释李商隐'万里风波'诗,独出新解,破及旧说,引起治义山诗的专家张尔田在报章杂志公开驳论。陈氏虽未作公开的回应,然对争议背后自身所秉持的学理,'每于二十年来讲授时言及之',且于1950年代宣告'万里风波'诗终得'确诂','鄙说殆成定论',可谓用心长远专注。此争议显现为张氏一人的报刊反驳,后续交涉多受书信往来、课堂讲授与学生毕业论文指导的私密性限制,故受关注并不多。疏通此事初始形态、后续演进、前后联系、背后义蕴,可见双方争议,缘于'万里风波'一诗的具体笺释,复入于治学方法的同异讨论,牵涉张氏汇通浙东、浙西学术博通、精专之长且去其疏、固之短以成己学的莫大努力与陈氏长达半生且最具匠心的笺诗治史之道微妙演进的治学心史,争议的核心结穴归宿于双方皆多蕴深意的治史艺术性及其约束这一近代学术大题。基于陈、张二先生的高手过招,从探究前贤治学取法的演进痕迹入手,辨析大体相通下不可掩盖的微妙异处,或不仅可借径观照各家面目直探至精神,更可对前贤治学途径及背后深层的学理加深理解与体会。 At the end of 1935,Chen Yinke interpreted Li Shangyin’s poem 'Wanli Fengbo'in his article 'The Dialectic about the Date of Relegation and the Rumors of Funeral of Li Deyu',and proposed a new interpretation,which challenged the past conclusions. Zhang Ertian,an expert of Li Shangyin’s poetry studies,refuted Chen Yinque’s idea in newspapers and magazines. Although Chen Yinque did not make a public response immediately,yet on the method behind this controversy he insisted,he usually talked about it while teaching in 20 years.In the 1950s,he announced that the issue of the Poem'Wanli Fengbo',which was finally solved and my statement was almost a final conclusion,which was really a long-term concentration. The overt manifestation of the controversy was Zhang Ertian’s rebuttals in newspapers and magazines,but the follow-up interchanges were mostly privately saved in letters,classroom lectures and advices on student graduation thesis. That was why the academic community used to pay less attention to it. Studying the initial state of this event in the beginning,the development during the process,the connections among the clues,and the truth behind it,we could find that the root of the controversy between the two sides was due to the specific interpretation of the Poem'Wanli Fengbo',then turned into the discussion of the divergence of the method of study,which contained the great efforts of Zhang,to integrate the generalist and specialist of the two schools of Zhedong and Zhexi,eliminating their metaphysics and biases to make it his own method,besides Chen Yinque’s process of academic pursuits in almost half a lifetime which recurred poetry to proof history. The crux of the controversy lay in the fact that the research methods of both sides were artistic with limitations and profundity,which was a modern academic problem.Based on the dialogues between Chen Yinque and Zhang Ertian,the present study,starting from the research on the development track of the method of the distinguished scholars,analyzing the subtle

关 键 词: 陈寅恪 张尔田 万里风波 诗史互证

领  域: [文学—中国文学] [历史地理—历史学] [历史地理—中国史]


作者 李幼斌
作者 邓瑞萍
作者 叶建军
作者 郑蓉蓉
作者 潘崇宇


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系


作者 刘天明
作者 周琍
作者 王双印
作者 陈海先
作者 李有刚