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Compared With the Aspects of Hongniang and Zijuan

作  者: ;

机构地区: 嘉应学院文学院

出  处: 《德州学院学报》 2008年第3期5-12,共8页

摘  要: 红娘与紫鹃分别是元代剧作家王实甫和清代作家曹雪芹笔下的丫鬟。两人同为婢女,有着许多共同之处:地位低下;都具有真诚直率、不趋炎附势、聪慧正直的品格;都尽心尽力地去帮助男女主人公追求他们的爱情。然而,红娘不是紫鹃,紫鹃也不是红娘。红娘认为爱情应该是自由选择,紫鹃认为爱情不仅是自由选择,而且是相互知心;红娘与其小姐莺莺始终脱离不了主奴关系,而紫鹃与其小姐黛玉则是知己关系;红娘最终使张生和莺莺"有情人终成眷属",而紫鹃却未能完成"红娘"的任务。这些不同,主要根源于红娘与紫鹃的性格差异,她们所处的环境也存在很大的差别,还有作者塑造人物的目的也截然不同。 Hongniang was the character as a maidservant in the play,which Wang Shifu written,while Zijuan was the same character as a maidservant,which Cao Xueqin created. Both of them were maidservants, who have something in common: first of all,with the same low status; next, with the same personality of sincere and frank, not curry favor with powerful people, intelligent and honest; last, with the same warm -hearted to help the male and female lead chase their love. However, Hongniang wasn't Zijuan. Hong- niang thought the love was free choice,while Zijuan thought the love was not only choice freely, but also opened heart. Consequent, Hongniang was never separated from the relationship of Yingying, between master and slave, while Zijuan and her master were good friends. Hongniang made Mr zhang and Yingying be a family member together in the end, but Zijuan didn't. The root of that dated from the differences between the personality of the Hongniang and Zijuan, the differences of the surround of they lived, and differences of the goal of the characters whom the authors created.

关 键 词: 红娘 紫鹃 比较

领  域: [文学—中国文学]


作者 李珊


机构 嘉应学院文学院


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