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"A Mirror of the Connection of New and Old Marriage Systems"——Analysis of Novel A Tale of Two Chessboards by Zhang Shizhao

作  者: ;

机构地区: 吉林大学文学院

出  处: 《黑龙江社会科学》 2008年第1期110-113,共4页

摘  要: 章士钊的小说《双枰记》,再现了20世纪初期知识青年强烈的民族爱国意识,对美好情爱、婚姻自由等真实人生的叩问和追寻,同时也展现了章士钊在辛亥革命前后政治观念上的思想转变,由早期的激进到辛亥革命之后趋于平和的理性思考。从小说中可寻觅出作家因"亲历耳闻"而导致的文学观念逐渐更新的端倪,进而洞察出时代的感召,新与旧的冲突、争斗,传统文化向现代转型,不断流动、进化的趋势在所难免。 Novel A Tale of Two Chessboards by Zhang Shizhao display that in the early 20th centry educated youths were full of very strong patriotic enthusiasm and questioned tentatively and search after real life, such as sweet affection,free marriage, etc. The novel also reflects Zhang Shizhao's change of political ideology before and after Revolution of 1911 ,namely rational thinking from the early the radical to the mild after Revolution of 1911. From the novel we can find out the writer's indications of the renewal of literary idea and under the influence of the era the inevitable conflict between the new and the old, the transform frem the traditional cnhure to modernity and the continuonsly evolutional trend.

关 键 词: 章士钊 双枰记 婚制

领  域: [文学—中国文学]


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机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院


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