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The Micro-processes of the Change in the Cognition of the Management of Firms:A longitudinal Case Study on the Two National Sengong Groups

作  者: ; ; (田国双); (李卫宁);

机构地区: 东北林业大学经济管理学院

出  处: 《管理世界》 2014年第6期126-141,188,共16页

摘  要: 管理认知变革是确保企业战略和环境变化保持动态匹配的关键。现有文献往往认为管理认知变革是自然而然发生的、简单的一次性战略事件,对于系统地理解管理认知变革的微观过程及有效地解释企业间管理认知变革差异的原因有所不足。本研究以龙江森工和大兴安岭林业集团管理认知变革过程为研究对象,系统地描述管理认知变革的微观过程,尝试以纵向归纳性的案例研究求解绩效反馈、战略决策者心理特征、试错学习如何影响管理认知变革、管理认知变革在什么状态下才会顺利进行、企业间管理认知变革为什么产生差异等问题,从而有助于解释和解决快速变化环境中的企业生存问题。研究发现:管理认知变革是管理认知不断设定的过程,设定是管理认知、环境、企业行为不断互动的结果,试错学习推动着设定的开展;战略决策者心理特征变化决定着管理认知变革的开始和结束;推动管理认知变革的试错学习是异质的,这是造成企业间管理认知变革差异的主要原因。以上发现可以更有效地解释,企业间管理认知变革差异产生的原因,尤其是缺乏管理认知变革意愿的战略决策者为何难以实现相应的管理认知变革。 The reform of the management cognition(ROTMC) is the key to surely guaranteeing the fact that the firms' strate-gy keeps the dynamic matching with the environment change. The authors of existing literature think, more often thannot, that the ROTMC is a simple and a one-time event that happens naturally, and they are short of systematically un-derstanding the micro process and the effective interpretation of the cause for the difference in the ROTMC amongfirms. Taking as the object of research the process of the ROTMC of Longjiang Sengong Groups and the Forestry Groupof Da Xing An ling, we have systematically described the micro-process of the ROTMC, and tried, by the use of thevertical and inductive case study, to explain the feedback of the performances, the mental characteristics of the strate-gy decision-makers, how rectifying a deviation in the process of a try impacts on the ROTMC, under what conditionsthe ROTMC can carry on smoothly, why the ROTMC carried out among firms produces problems such as differences,and thus conducive to interpreting and solving firms' deep-rooted problems in the quickly changing environment. Byour study, we have discovered that the management cognition is a process of a continuous setting, that the setting isthe results of the continuous interaction of the management cognition, the environment and firms' behavior, that rectify-ing a deviation in the process of a try impels the carrying-out of the setting, that, particularly, why the strategic deci-sion-makers who are short of the willingness of the earnest reform in management, that the change in the characteris-tics of mentality of the decision-makers decides the beginning and closing of the reform of the management cognition,and that correcting an error is heteroplastic, which is the main cause for the reform difference in the management cogni-tion among firms. The above-mentioned discovery can more effectively explain the cause for the happening of the dif-ference in the ROTMC among firms.

关 键 词: 管理认知变革 试错学习 绩效反馈 心理特征

领  域: [经济管理—产业经济]


作者 尚航标
作者 胡线勤
作者 方有恒
作者 周宙
作者 雷霄


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 邓志旺
作者 蒋学民