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The Administrative Discretion in Rural Land Expropriation and Its Regulation

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《湖南警察学院学报》 2017年第2期5-14,共10页

摘  要: 农村土地征收中存在着各种行政裁量,裁量的行使在某种程度上关涉农民的切身利益。目前的裁量控制是四元结构控制,即立法控制、行政自制、司法控制以及社会控制,但四维度控制中的各个维度均存在不足导致农村土地征收中行政裁量的行使失当。立法使用不确定概念、缺乏标准和指导性规则的授权、缺少某些应有的配套制度,使得其对行政裁量的控制多有漏洞;司法在立法规范设计脱离行政裁量运作轨迹,其独立性又遇阻的双重因素下,对裁量的控制鞭长莫及;行政机关制定各种内部裁量基准实行自律,却又因适用裁量基准的过程中有着强烈的主观色彩而导致徒有虚名;公民参与行政过程,但缺少规范保障,建言对裁量的控制收效甚微。因此,对农村土地征收中行政裁量的控制,应创新立法规制、加强行政自制、强化司法审查、完善社会监督。 Different discretion exists in different process of rural land expropriation, which is relevant to the levied person in some degree. The regulation of administrative discretion in the process of rural land expropriation has many defects. Legislative regulation, administrative self-regulation, judicial regulation and social regulation are four methods to control the administrative discretion in rural land expropriation. However, these four methods of discretion regulation have not healthily handled the relations between discretion power abuse avoidance and effective exercise promotion because of their defects. Uncertain concepts in the text of law, insufficient standards and unmatched institution make the legislative regulation of administrative discretion ineffective. As the design of law and application of administrative discretion is not a perfect match, the judicial regulation hardly reach its goal. What's more, the insufficient independence of the judicial system makes worse.The administrative agency makes all kinds of rules to regulate their scope of discretion application, but still fail to succeed because of their strong subjective will in administrative process. Citizens participate in the process of administration and make advice for the agency. However, no laws to guarantee which makes the citizen participation less effective. Improvement and perfection should be made in these four methods.

关 键 词: 土地征收 行政裁量 裁量控制

领  域: [政治法律—宪法学与行政法学] [政治法律—法学]


作者 姚金花
作者 顾丹
作者 胡平
作者 邓琦
作者 何兰凤


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 广东财经大学


作者 邹平学
作者 汪永成
作者 李薇薇
作者 魏红英
作者 姜铁敬