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Research on the Present Situation about Leisure Diving in the West Districts of Guangdong

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东海洋大学体育与休闲学院

出  处: 《广州体育学院学报》 2012年第2期37-42,共6页

摘  要: 粤西地区拥有较好的潜水自然资源和社会文化资源等,具备开展休闲潜水运动的条件和优势。粤西地区休闲潜水目前尚处在初步发展阶段,项目主要以体验式潜水为主,少数潜水者以获取潜水员证或旅游为目的。不同项目、不同俱乐部、不同类别的潜水,其价格存在一定的差异,但低于全国总体水平,市场潜力很大,粤西地区休闲潜水运动项目和活动形式比较单一,休闲潜水的行业协会和政府监管缺乏。提出发挥科教资源优势,打造休闲潜水人才培养和培训基地;突出自身特色,拓展项目种类,树立品牌意识;以政府为引导,注重市场规划、宣传与开发,多渠道吸引资金;坚持资源开发与保护并存,体现科学发展观理念。 There have good natural and social cultural resources of diving in the west districts of Guangdong, Now, leisure diving is still in the initial stage in the west districts of Guangdong, mainly based in diving experience, and a small number of divers dive for travel or for the purpose of certification. Different items, different clubs, different items, clubs and types of diving, there have diferent prices, but the overall level is lower than national market. Zhanjiang Diving sports and leisure activities are still in a single construction, lacking diving industry associations and government supervision. Science and education should play their advantages in resources and creating leisure diving and training base for personnel training. The paper gives some suggestions of highlighting characteristics, developing projects, and establishing brand awareness, taking the Government as guidance, puting focus on market planning, and attracting funds through various channels.

关 键 词: 粤西地区 休闲潜水 现状 对策

领  域: [文化科学—体育学]


作者 陈瑜文
作者 翟庆文


机构 广东海洋大学体育与休闲学院
