机构地区: 中国矿业大学体育学院
出 处: 《南京体育学院学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第5期97-101,共5页
摘 要: 中国矿业大学公共体育教学已全面实施体育俱乐部教学改革。本文采用文献资料及逻辑思维法,分析了体育俱乐部内涵、特征、培养目标、学生毕业体育基本要求等理论问题,分析了体育俱乐部类型、学时、学分要求和实施措施。研究结果显示:体育教学改革方向是建立以强化目标达成为主,以过程管理为辅的体育俱乐部模式,教学方式由原来的课堂教学模式向俱乐部的辅导与训练模式转变,旨在培养大学生自主体育锻炼能力,提高学生体质健康标准测试合格率。 China University of Mining and Technology of Public Physical Education has been fully implemented sports clubs teaching reform. This paper adopts the meth- od of literature and logical thinking, analyzes theoretical issues like the sports clubs connotation, characteristics, training objectives and basic sports graduation require- ments. Besides, the sports clubs type, hours, credit requirements and implementation measures are analyzed. The results show that:the direction of physical education teaching reform is to establish the sports clubs teaching mode to strengthen the Goal-based, and process manage- ment as a supplement, teaching mode from the original classroom mode to the club' s coaching and training para- digm shift aimed at students' self sport exercise capacity, to raise the passing rate of the students' physical health standard test.