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Influence on the Host City Economic Development of 2022 Winter Olympic Games and its Market Operation Research

作  者: (焦亮亮); ; (张倩);

机构地区: 中国矿业大学体育学院

出  处: 《湖北体育科技》 2016年第4期309-312,共4页

摘  要: 运用文献资料与逻辑分析方法分析冬奥会对举办城市经济影响,结果表明:冬奥会对举办城市经济影响包含有形影响和无形影响,借助冬奥会的影响对举办城市的经济发展提出建议:建立高效、务实的组委会;扩大中国奥委会公益形象的宣传力度;完善奥委会对奥运会知识产权的开发、保护;完善中国体育产业人才的聚集机制;优化体育产业结构升级;加快中国体育产业与其他产业的融合发展;保障奥运赞助商的合法权益,与最优秀的企业建立精诚合作关系。 In this paper, the author uses literature view and logic analysis method to analyze the economic impact on the host city of the winter Olympics. The results show that the economic impact of winter Olympic Games to the host city in China mainly reflects on the influence of visible and invisible. According to the influence of the winter Olympic Games, the author puts forward the suggestions of the host city for the economic development of our country: Establishing an efficient and pragmatic organizing committee; Expanding the public image of the Chinese Olympic committee propaganda; Perfecting the Olympic committee for the Olympic Games development and protection of intellectual property rights; Improving the mechanism of our country sports industry talents gathered; Optimizing the sports industry structure upgrade; Speeding up the development of fusion of China's sports industry and other industries; Protecting the legitimate rights and interests of Olympic sponsors, and cooperating with the best companies to establish a relationship.

关 键 词: 冬奥会 体育赛事 举办城市经济 影响

领  域: [文化科学—体育训练] [文化科学—体育学]


作者 孟雅喆
作者 吕立
作者 陈从乐
作者 齐立斌
作者 黄俊维


机构 广州体育学院
机构 广州大学体育学院
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
