作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南师范大学教育科学学院
出 处: 《上饶师范学院学报》 2018年第5期32-40,共9页
摘 要: 陈湛心学教育流派是明代著名哲学家、教育家陈白沙、湛甘泉创立的教育流派。其理论特色表现为三大方面:其一,从心在万物到心包万物的教育本体论,认为天地万物都是"心"的创造,为学者不要拘泥于一事一物,要自作主宰,陶冶性情;其二,从学宗自然到随处体认天理的为学旨趣,旨在高扬主体的创造性,要求为学者充分发挥主体意识;其三,从静养端倪到知行并进的修养工夫,强调知行双方相互依赖,相互促进。这些教育理论特色含有较浓的思辨意味、鲜明的人性化色彩和生活气息,在中国教育思想史上占据不可或缺的一席之地。 The educational school of Chen-Zhan mind theory was created by Chen Baisha and Zhan Ganquan,two famous philosophers and educators of the Ming dynasty. Its theoretical features lie in the following four aspects: First,the education ontology,which developed from “the heart in everything” to “the everything-inclusive heart”,believes that everything was the creation of “heart” and that scholars should decide all by themselves and cultivate their temperament rather than rigidly adhere to one thing or one object. Secondly,the objective to learn,which covered “from nature-honored learning” to “the understanding and practicing of the justice of heaven on any occasion”,aims at advocating the creativity of the subject and asks scholars to give full play to the subjective consciousness. Thirdly,the cultivation,from “something coming from resting” to “knowledge and practice going hand in hand”,emphasizes the mutual reliance and mutual promotion of knowledge and practice. All the above features of educational theory contain a strong speculative meaning,a vivid human color and rich flavor of life,and then occupy an indispensable place in the history of Chinese educational thought.
领 域: [哲学宗教—中国哲学]