机构地区: 华南师范大学教育科学学院
出 处: 《江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第5期129-136,共8页
摘 要: 本文以1935年《教育杂志》关于读经问题的讨论为考察对象,结合时代背景,从"读经抑或不读"这一话语主题入手,剖析其中所涉及的"读经能否救亡图存"、"读经能否弘扬文化"、"读经能否涵养德性"三大问题,以为当下"读经"教育活动的发展提供历史的反思和经验的借鉴。 Taking the special issue on "Reading Confucian Classics" published in Education Maga- zine in 1935 as a study case, this paper combines the historical background, starts with the problem of "To Read Confucian Classics or Not to Read?", and analyzes the three related issues:" Can 'Reading Confucian Classics' Save Our Country?" ," Can "Reading Confucian Classics' Promote Chinese Culture?" and "Can 'Reading Confucian Classics' Cultivate One's Moral Character?" ,which provides some historical reflections and experience references for the development of "Reading Confucian Classics" activities nowadays.