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The Communication between Teachers and Students in the School of Psychological Education in Ming Dynasty from the Perspective of Passing in and Out

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学教育科学学院

出  处: 《大学教育科学》 2022年第1期97-104,共8页

摘  要: 在明代中晚期,“递相出入”伴随心学教育运动而生,为心学教育流派的师生交往增添别样色彩。作为明代心学的领军代表,阳明学派和甘泉学派讲学成风,弟子云集,学派宗主王阳明和湛甘泉鼓励弟子们转益多师,共同造就出“递相出入”这一独有的师生交往形态及其教育学术生态。“递相出入”不仅宣扬自由问学精神,打破师承门户的桎梏,还富有个性鲜明的师道文化气息。它努力促进每个生命都向世界敞开,在学脉相联的交互中吐故纳新,对个体成长、学派壮大及明代心学教育学术生态的发展具有不可或缺的作用。在“递相出入”的影响下,阳明学派和甘泉学派的弟子们自觉出入于王学与湛学之间,以求同立异为学术旨归,敢于跨越门户藩篱而转相授受,形成了以“差异个性”为教学原则、“竞争合作”为教育机制、“内在约束”为管理文化、“生命关怀”为价值取向的师生气象,对当下师生交往关系的构建亦有一定启示。 In the middle and late Ming Dynasty,“Passing in and Out”was born with the movement of psychological learning education,which added a different color to the communication between teachers and students of psychological learning education schools.As the leading representatives of the study of mind in the Ming Dynasty,Yangming School and Ganquan School became popular in lecturing and gathered many disciples.WANG Yang-ming and ZHAN Gan-quan,the masters of these two schools,encouraged their disciples to learn and transfer their skills,and jointly created the unique teacher-student communication pattern and its educational and academic ecology of"passing in and out".It did not only promote the spirit of free learning and break the shackles of the door,but also has a distinctive personality of the cultural atmosphere of the division.It tried to promote every life to open to the world,get rid of the old and absorb the new in the interaction of learning manners,and played an indispensable role in individual growth,school growth and the development of academic ecology of psychological education in the Ming Dynasty.Under the influence of"passing in and out",the disciples of Yangming School and Ganquan School consciously went in and out between Wang Xue and Zhan Xue independently,in order to seek the same academic purpose of innovation,dare to cross the door barriers and turn to giving and receiving,and formed a teaching principle of different personality,an educational mechanism of competition and cooperation,value orientation of life care,and a management culture of internal constraints.It provides some enlightenment to the construction of the current communication relationship between teachers and students.

关 键 词: 教育流派 阳明学派 甘泉学派 师生交往 递相出入 会讲

领  域: [文化科学—高等教育学] [文化科学—教育学]


作者 黄明同
作者 林月惠
作者 陈金才
作者 袁庆红
作者 叶莉洁


机构 华南师范大学网络教育学院
机构 暨南大学文学院中国文化史籍研究所
机构 香港中文大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系


作者 吴慧明
作者 李均
作者 陈朝萌
作者 李春红
作者 刘兰平