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On Chen Baisha's View of Teacher Morality and School Inheritance

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学教育科学学院

出  处: 《教育史研究》 2023年第2期127-137,共11页

摘  要: 作为明代心学教育思潮的发端者,陈白沙扬弃程朱理学思想,在“道在我心”教育主体价值观的基础上,建构独树一帜的师道观,奠定了白沙学派形成与发展的内在理路,且对明代教育由理学形态向心学形态转化起了重要的作用。陈白沙在身份认同上,主张儒家师道的首要前提是“因时而立教,即物以显义”,秉持设学立师以教天下的理念,彰显士不居官终爱教的精神;在师生关系上,主张亦师亦友,教学相长;在教学方式上,循沿孔子有教无类思想,主张随问即答,尽心循循善诱,力求因材施教。正是基于这样一种守中有变的师道观,陈白沙培养出以湛若水为衣钵传人的一大批杰出弟子,并衍生出蔚为大观的甘泉学派,从而深刻影响了中晚明时期心学教育思想和教育实践的走向。 As the originator of mind philosophy education in the Ming Dynasty,Chen Baisha discarded the thoughts of neo-Confucianism,and constructed unique view of teacher morality based on the educational values of “Dao in mind”,which laid internal path for the formation and development of Baisha school and played an important role in the transformation of education back then from neoConfucianism to mind philosophy.In terms of identity,Chen advocated that the primary prerequisite of Confucian teacher morality is to teach according to time,and show the meaning of things,upholding the idea of teaching around the world and emphasizing teaching over politics.In terms of teacher-student relationship,he followed Confucius' thought of teaching without discrimination and advocated the idea of answering questions as soon as possible and teaching according to condition.By following this view,he cultivated a large number of outstanding disciples represented by Zhan Ruoshui and founded Ganquan school,which deeply affected the educational thought and practice of mind philosophy education in the middle and late Ming Dynasty.

关 键 词: 心学教育 白沙学派 师道观 学派传承

领  域: [文化科学—教育学] [文化科学—教育技术学]


作者 黄明同
作者 巫斌
作者 霍永寿
作者 曾凡亮
作者 原璞


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 嘉应学院
机构 广东石油化工学院


作者 陈立
作者 李春林
作者 李文莉
作者 李云程
作者 张德芬