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The Top of Taste in the Source Place of Lancang River:——Investigation on the Production and Marketing of Spring Saltin Nangqian County,Qinghai Province

作  者: ; (王霞);

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《青海民族研究》 2018年第1期148-156,共9页

摘  要: 本文基于田野调查、资料梳理和文本建构,为了解青藏高原北部的泉盐产销描绘了一幅清晰的画面。首先展示了囊谦盐矿的地质构造、盐场分布等基本数据,对建场时间作了断代,继而揭示湖盐生产与泉盐生产的不同点,然后从囊谦泉盐的供给方向和满足程度来界定该盐区的历史地位;其次在时间尺度中看待政治因素引起的生产资料变更、劳力交替和技术交融等问题,借鉴政治人类学的范式,用A、B两种体制来放大部落社会与民族国家中的盐业问题;最后采用"交易圈"范式把握青、藏、川交界区的物流关系,指明盐业给社会带来的经济效益,分工为脆弱环境提供的补偿,点缀出交通条件和交换对象与人类基本需要的动态发展。这就不仅为"环境—技术—人口"的动力学公式提供了一个新例证,而且点明一条新思路:研究者可将囊谦的泉盐放入青海的盐业体系中评估,也可将其从该体系中分离出来,归并到澜沧江流域的泉盐体系中去分析。 This paper describes the production and marketing of spring salt, originates from Nangqian county in Qinghai province on the basis of ethnographical field work. And try to explain the production and marketing of salt, first by explaining the geological settings, distribution and other information about those spring salt mines, just as the original time of spring salt mines at the source of Lancang River. The differences between Lake salt and Spring salt productions, and then it revealed the historical status of those spring salt mines according to the Supply direction and the degree of meeting the market demand. Secondly, researcher historically observed the changes of production data, labor force alternations, technology blends and other transformations caused by remediation factors. Based on the first hand data, the article is able to scrutinize anthropologically the salt industry situation under the state and tribal system. Finally, researcher have drawn our lessons from "trading circle" paradigm to have a grasp of Logistics relationships in the border areas of Qinghai, Tibet and Sichuan. Consequently, the article will point out the economic sense brought by salt industry,the providing compensation for the fragile environment by labor division, and the dynamic relationship between traffic conditions,exchange objects and the human basic needs. All what, they do not only provided a new example for "environment-technology population" dynamic formula,but also pointed out a new way of thinking: "Nangqian salt" can will be assessed into "Qinghai salt" system, or can also be separated from the Qinghai system and merged into Lancang River.

关 键 词: 囊谦 泉盐 晒盐 交易 部落 国家

领  域: []


作者 周雅琳
作者 李银妹
作者 梁秀娟
作者 钟俊杰
作者 王宇涵


机构 华南农业大学公共管理学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 广东工业大学华立学院
