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Tibetan Fraternal Polyandry: A Test of Sociobiological Theory

作  者: ;

机构地区: 凯斯西部保留地大学人类学系

出  处: 《西藏研究》 2015年第6期54-62,共9页

摘  要: 在青藏高原及其周边地区有一种风俗:兄弟长大后不分家产,合娶一妻,共承父业。这种婚姻制度由来已久,现在只能在偏僻的山区才能看见。它包含着多种矛盾的萌芽,像镜子一样反衬出当地人从事两种生产(谋取生活资料和繁衍人口)的种种奥妙。故人类学家将其视为理论挑战,孜孜不倦地探索。本文由两位男女作者写就,比尔是体质人类学家,戈尔斯坦是社会人类学家。他们用社会生物学理论过滤采自尼泊尔利米峡谷的素材,提出"藏族人行兄弟共妻婚可能会增强他们适应环境的总体能力"。也就是说共妻制可能会增强丈夫自身适应环境的能力,从而提高家庭抵御风险的能力。全文排出5张表格和3个公式,定量与定性结合,通过论证将这个假设归入荒谬,最后指出兄弟共妻制的长期存在与特定的社会文化、经济政治和历史传统相关联,应该循着这条路子去寻找原因。 There is a folk- custom on the Tibetan plateau and its surrounding areas. According to this custom,brothers jointly inherit an estate and share a wife when they grew up. This is a marriage system with long history but now is rare to see unless in the remote region. This kind of marriage system contains the seeds of a variety of contradictions and highlights mysteries of the locals like a mirror who are engaged in two kinds of production(seeking subsistence and producing offspring). Therefore,Anthropologists regard this as a theoretical challenge and explore tirelessly. This paper is written by a female and a male author. Beall is a physical anthropologist,Goldstein is a social anthropologist. They apply sociobio- logical theory to filter the material from Limi Valley of Nepal and put forward the idea that practition- ers of fraternal polyandry in a Tibetan population that fraternal polyandry may enhance the ability of may enhance their inclusive fitness. That is to say husband to adapt the environment,so as to improve the ability of family to resist risk. This paper represents tative and qualitative research methods,putting five tables and three formulas,combining quantiassumption into the absurd through the argument and lastly pointing out that sociaL/cultural, economic/political, and historical/heritage factors can perpetuate mating systems that decrease the individual and inclusive fitness of the individuals who practice them and should follow this way to find reasons.

关 键 词: 社会生物学 兄弟共妻制 等位基因传递

领  域: [] []


作者 坚赞才旦
作者 姜月容
作者 陈琰
作者 罗丙能
作者 卢珊


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广州大学
机构 中山大学外国语学院
