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Marx's Political Appeal of Self-awareness Seen From his Doctoral Dissertation

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学政治与行政学院

出  处: 《西南石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第2期84-87,109,共5页

摘  要: 马克思在他的博士论文中把"哲学历书上最高尚的圣者和殉道者"赋予被束缚在高加索山的悬崖上的普罗米修斯,这绝不仅仅是出于他深厚的古典修养和文学浪漫主义情结。盗取天火的普罗米修斯宁肯被锁链锁在崖石上也不愿意作宙斯的忠实奴仆,以此来表明他痛恨所有的神。宗教批判是青年黑格尔派批判的出发点,"叛逆"的马克思实现了对黑格尔和其他青年黑格尔派特别是布·鲍威尔的超越,指责他们只是对宗教不痛不痒的谩骂。马克思寻求一种更为彻底,颇具颠覆性的批判,他把以伊壁鸠鲁为主的自我意识哲学放在高于一切神灵的地位,以自我意识作为批判的武器,直接剑指普鲁士封建反动统治,彰显他的政治诉求。 In his doctoral dissertation, Marx endowed "the most noble saints and martyr in the philosophy history books" to Prometheus who was bounded on the Caucasus mountain cliffs. Such opinion was not just a reflection of his profound classic culture and literature romantic complex. Prometheus, who stole fire from heaven, exhibited his hate to all the gods chose to be chained on the cliff instead of reducing himself to a loyal servant to Zeus. Religious criticism is the basis of the young Hegelians criticism. Yet the rebellious Marx transcended Hegel and other young Hegelians especially Bruno Bauer, accusing them of merely perfunctory criticism against religion. Marx sought a more thorough and quite subversive criticism. Marx placed the self - awareness philosophy represented by Epicurus on dominant position, and directly aiming at Prussia reactionary rule, he manifested his political aspirations, self-awareness as his critical weapon. taking

关 键 词: 马克思 博士论文 批判的武器 自我意识 政治诉求

领  域: [哲学宗教—马克思主义哲学]


作者 陈永盛
作者 熊威
作者 沈玮玮
作者 帅学明
作者 蔡秀娟


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 华南农业大学


作者 张坤晶
作者 黄发玉
作者 谭翀
作者 李放
作者 姜智红