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Study on Establishment Conditions for Joint Omission Principal Offender from the Perspective of Conditional Affirmation Theory

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学法学院

出  处: 《贵州警察学院学报》 2024年第1期19-28,共10页

摘  要: 不作为共同正犯具有正犯和共犯的二重性,其正犯性只能从不作为理论中获得,其共犯性也只能从共同犯罪理论中获得。在限制肯定说框架下,不作为共同正犯的成立条件主要包括以下三个方面,一是以互相协力加功的不作为共同实行事实为客观要件。在进行客观归责判断时,通常以假定的因果流程来认定具体案件的结果归责,并且进行违法关联性的审查。二是以具有双重性的共同实行故意为主观要件。在进行主观归责判断时,应以道义责任为根据,以规范责任论为框架来探讨责任要素及其结构。三是以作为义务之间具备等同性和相互性特征,以及各不作为实行行为直接地、共同地引起法益侵害的因果关系为限制条件。 Joint omission principal offender has the dual nature of being a principal and an accomplice.Its principal nature can only be obtained from the theory on omission while its accomplice nature can merely be obtained from the theory on joint crime.Under the framework of the conditional affirmation theory,the establishment conditions for joint omission principal offender mainly include the following three aspects.Firstly,the objective element is the fact that the joint omission behavior has contributed to the completion of an offense.When making objective attribution judgment,the assumed causal process is likely to be used to determine the attribution of the results of a specific case,and a review of the relevance of the illegality is carried out.Secondly,it requires an intentional joint offense with dual nature as the subjective element.When making subjective attribution judgments,we should take moral responsibility as the basis and normative responsibility theory as the framework to discuss the elements and structures of responsibility.Thirdly,the restriction conditions include the obligations of action with the characteristics of equality and mutuality,and the causality that infringement of legal interest is directly or jointly caused by each omission behavior.

关 键 词: 不作为 共同正犯 作为义务 因果关系 客观归责

领  域: [政治法律—刑法学] [政治法律—法学]


作者 乔远
作者 肖扬宇
作者 高瑞
作者 陈毅坚
作者 罗彦斌


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院


作者 姚秀兰
作者 翟玉娟
作者 朱兴有
作者 付莹
作者 邓志红