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Consistence and Different Consideration:“Six Classics” as the Fission of the Hundred Schools of Thought

作  者: ; (陈醒芬);

机构地区: 汕尾职业技术学院

出  处: 《金陵科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第2期62-67,共6页

摘  要: 诸子终归几家,诸家如何关联,又诸子理论渊源何自及如何界定"六艺"之性质等诸多问题,至今商榷不绝。前有庄子之"六艺说"、孟子之"政治说"振铎,后有西汉刘安"应世之急"接踵,然百代独领风骚者莫过于班固之"王官"说,延及清初章学诚与民国马一浮以"诸子出于六艺说"微澜动水。期间《易》之"天下同归而殊途,一致而百虑"一语当为揭橥此题管键。 So far,many issues are still up for debate on how many are classified for the Hundred Schools of Thought,how they are related to each other,where these theoretical original come from,and how they define the nature of the Six Classics.Formerly,the Chuang Tzu’s"Six Arts Theory"and the Mencius’ s"Politics Theory"released a caution.Later,in Western Han dynasty,there was another theory,the view of"A need for social problems"by Liu An,also been presented.However,until the"the Hundred Schools of Thought are from Six Classics Theory",which was presented by Zhang Xuecheng at the beginning of Qing dynasty and Ma Yifu at the Republic of China,gave some improvement.During hundreds of generations the Ban gu’s"Government Bureaucracy Theory"took a lead in all of those theories.In the long course,"Different world has the same destiny,but the path is different.There are many different ways can achieve the same goal."the theory in Yi,reveals the key of this problem.

关 键 词: 国学 诸子百家 王官说 救世说 六艺说

领  域: [文学—中国文学]


作者 高芙君
作者 黄碧影
作者 郭商羿
作者 李文义
作者 高小泉


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 华南师范大学文学院


作者 周礼红
作者 祝学剑
作者 张克
作者 李红霞
作者 武怀军