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Infiltration of Barbarian Tide:Shatuo and Barbarian Cultures in North China During Five Dynasties

作  者: ;

机构地区: 湖北大学历史文化学院

出  处: 《中原文化研究》 2020年第5期78-87,共10页

摘  要: 唐末五代的北中国,杂居了大量从北方迁来的游牧民族,民族融合是这一时代的主要特征。其中对中原影响最大者,当是来自西域后来在五代建立了三个王朝的沙陀。进入中原后,一方面沙陀人的汉化较为明显,另一方面沙陀共同体在语言、宗教信仰,以及扑祭、传箭、火葬等习俗中仍保留了显著的胡文化特征,沙陀的文化认同与身份认同也以游牧文明为根本。五代时期北中国的胡文化对当时的军事、尚武精神及军队蕃汉混杂等有一定影响,还对中原血缘伦理关系产生了冲击,加深了北方地区的胡化现象。汉化与胡化背后本质上是农耕文明与游牧文明之间的碰撞融合。沙陀统治者自身的统治策略也反映了两种文明的冲突,后唐庄宗就是这方面典型的例子。五代北中国的民族融合对宋代的饮食文化、丧葬习俗同样有潜在影响,这也说明中华文明在不同类型文化的交互融合中动态发展,从而形成了今天璀璨的文明。 A great amount of nomadic peoples immigrating from north lived together in north China during the period of late Tang and Five Dynasties,whose main feature was national fusion.Among these peoples,Shatuo,who came from the Western Regions and built three dynasties of the Five,had the greatest impact on the Central Plains.After entering the Central Plains,on the one hand,Shatuo people had an obvious Sinicization,but on the other hand,the Shatuo community still kept conspicuous features of barbarian culture referring to customs like language,religion,killing horses to sacrifice,passing arrows,cremation,etc..Shatuo’s identification of culture and identity still based on nomadic civilization.During Five Dynasties,barbarian cultures in northern China not only had a certain influence on the contemporary military,martial spirit and fusion of foreigners and Han people in the army,but also created impact on ethics of blood relations,thus deepening the barbarization in the northern regions.Behind the Sinicization and barbarization,the essence was the collision and fusion of agricultural and nomadic civilizations.Ruling policies of Shatuo rulers could also reflect the conflict between these two civilizations,for which Zhuangzong of the Later Tang was a typical example.National fusion in north China during Five Dynasties also had potential influence on food cultures and funeral customs in the coming Song Dynasty,which indicates that the Chinese civilization has a dynamic development in the mutual fusion of different types of cultures,and thus creates the brilliant one nowadays.

关 键 词: 五代 民族融合 沙陀 胡文化 后唐庄宗

领  域: [历史地理—历史学] [历史地理—中国史]


作者 王玫
作者 田范芬
作者 惠冬
作者 李凭
作者 刘广丰


机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院人类学系
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东石油化工学院


作者 周琍
作者 王双印
作者 陈海先
作者 李有刚
作者 宾华