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"A Lan"(阿揽) and "Fu Tie"(浮(口知)):Buddhist Elements in Turfan Sogdian Names

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《历史研究》 2011年第3期78-90,190-191,共13页

摘  要: 入华粟特人所受佛教影响,不仅表现在信仰上,也体现于胡名中。吐鲁番文书中与佛教有关的粟特人名,除"佛"、"僧"、"尼"等常见胡名外,还有一些隐晦不明的用字,比如"阿揽"和"浮(口知)"。"阿揽"是佛教色彩极浓的祆神之名,其词源和阿兰人无涉,却与中亚布哈拉古都"阿滥谧"及唐代名禽"阿滥堆"有关:"阿滥谧"音义与梵文"阿滥摩"、"阿兰若"相合;云雀别名"阿滥堆"则可与印度鸣禽"迦兰陀"对证。"浮(口知)"是华化佛名,"浮"字义为"佛","(口知)"乃附在"浮"字之后的转[音]译符号,意指佛祖的觉悟;就中古拟音而言,也不排除"浮(口知)"就是"菩提"(bodhi)的可能。这些名例既是粟特文化多元性的重要表征,也是佛教文化间接传播的典型案例。 The influence of Buddhism on Sogdians who had migrated into China was reflected not only in their beliefs,but also in some of their hu(胡,non-Han)names.Sogdian hu names found in Turfan literature include,besides the commonly seen fo(佛,'Buddha'),seng(僧,'monk') and ni(尼,'nun'),some still obscure words,such as A Lan(阿揽)and Fu Tie(浮(口知)).A Lan is a Zoroastrian god with a strong coloring of Buddhism.The word has no etymological connection with its homonyma lan(阿兰),but instead is related to the ancient capital Alanmi(阿滥谧)in Central Asia and a well-known bird,alandui(阿滥堆),in the Tang Dynasty.The pronunciation and meaning of Alanmi is akin to the Sanskrit wordārāma or aranya,while the alandui,or skylark,is related to an Indian bird called the kalandaka.Fu Tie(浮(口知))is a Sinicized name for the Buddha:Fu(浮)means Buddha,and Tie(口知)is a phonetic transcription meaning the Buddha's enlightenment.The reconstructed pronunciation system of middle antiquity does not rule out the possibility that Fu Tie is bodhi(菩提).These names were both important symbols of the diversity of Sogdian culture and classic examples of the indirect spread of Buddhist culture.

关 键 词: 吐鲁番文书 阿揽 浮咖 佛教 祆教

领  域: [历史地理—历史学] [历史地理—中国史]


作者 王睿
作者 姚崇新
作者 姜伯勤
作者 许云和
作者 张小贵


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学历史文化学院


作者 周琍
作者 王双印
作者 陈海先
作者 李有刚
作者 宾华