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Investigation of Student Teachers' Mental Health during Preschool Education Teaching Practice

作  者: ; (江雪玲);

机构地区: 韶关学院韶州师范分院

出  处: 《潍坊教育学院学报》 2012年第5期38-41,共4页

摘  要: 教育实习是学前教育学生第一次承担幼儿教师职责,角色的转换会造成较大的心理压力。及时了解、掌握实习生的心理健康状况,进行有针对性的培训、辅导是使实习生顺利渡过实习期的关键。本研究采用症状自评量表对学前教育专业实习生的心理健康水平进行测查,发现:(1)与国内大学生常模相比,我院学前教育专业实习生的心理健康水平偏低,其中人际关系敏感、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖等4个因子得分显著高于常模;(2)学前实习生的症状自评量表中各因子得分在实习前与实习后未出现显著差异,这与其他专业实习生有所区别,究其原因主要是实习工作适应难度大及从业前景不乐观所致。 To preschool education students, educational practice is the first time that they assume the pre- school teachers'responsibilities. Role transformation will cause great psychological pressure. Timely understanding, mastering their mental health, carrying on targeted training and counseling, are key moves to ensure that student in- terns go through the teaching practice period smoothly. This study uses symptom checklist to investigate psychological health level of preschool education student interns and find that : ( 1 ) compare with the norm of domestic college students, mental health level of preschool education student interns is on the low side, wherein the four factors - interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, photic anxiety score significantly higher than the norm. (2) before and after the practice, there are no significant differences of preschool student interns scores of SCL--90 factors. This is different from student teachers of other majors. Survey shows that difficulties to adapt to the work and not optimistic job prospects are the main causes.

关 键 词: 心理健康状况 实习生 学前教育 调查

领  域: [哲学宗教—发展与教育心理学] [哲学宗教—心理学]


作者 江雪玲
作者 赖勇强
作者 程玮
作者 杨光
作者 赵淑婷


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院
机构 中山大学
机构 肇庆学院
机构 韶关学院


作者 张丽莲
作者 倪坚
作者 程建伟
作者 杨彪
作者 杜平