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The Study on the Transformation of China's Anti-corruption Mode--Based on the Perspective of Governance Theory

导  师: 胡扬

学科专业: L01

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 郑州大学

摘  要: 腐败问题从共和国建国伊始便开始对我国的经济发展、社会和谐和政治稳定构成威胁,反腐败成为国家政权建设和政党建设的重要内容。我国的反腐败模式随着政治、经济和社会的变革和发展而不断发展和转型。建国以来,先后经历了“运动反腐”、“权力反腐”、“制度反腐”等反腐模式的变迁,当前正在进入新的反腐败模式大变革时期,惩防并举的制度反腐体系正在逐步推进。   从历史来看,我国反腐败模式的变迁体现出渐进式变革、理性化转型、一元式主导等逻辑特征。在变迁过程中也形成了一些困境,主要表现为:一是公众参与受限的体制困境,二是廉政政策执行的效力困境,三是崇廉观念失落的价值困境。这些问题的存在迫切要求实现反腐模式的再次转型。   从现实来看,现有反腐败模式所依赖的现实背景也在发生变化。“公众崛起”这一现实条件正在对反腐模式提出新的要求。从技术维度来看,互联网和通讯技术手段的迅疾拓展创造出了新型的公共空间;从组织维度来看,各种类型的民间组织通过组织化的方式对腐败治理过程产生影响;从文化维度来看,积极参与公共事务的公民精神不断生长。三个维度共同推进的“公民崛起”已成为腐败治理的新环境,也成为反腐败模式亟需转型的现实背景。   因此,应当以治理理论作为我国反腐败模式转型的理论基础,从主体的多元性和过程的合作性来理解治理理论,并通过各种体制机制创新来实现反腐败模式的转型。应通过促使多元主体参与廉政政策制定,形成社会力量进行廉政监督的制度化渠道,通过多元手段发挥综合效应以增强反腐实效,以及涵育崇廉文化,构建廉洁教育网络等途径,以实现我国反腐败模式的再次转型。 Starting from the establishment of the People's Republic of China,corruption poses a threat to our economic development,social harmony and political stability. With the development of our economy,society and politics,anti-corruption mode changes all the time. Since the establishment the People's Republic of China, we have experienced three modes of anti-corruption:'anti-corruption by mass movements','anti-corruption by political power' and 'anti-corruption by system construction'.There is a great transformation of anti-corruption currently. Anti-corruption is propelled by system construction with punishment and prevention. From a historical standpoint, there are three features in the history of anti-corruption mode's transformation:evolution, rationalization and centralization. Meanwhile, there are some problems.Firstly, citizens' participation in anti-corruption is restricted;Secondly, the policy on anti-corruption is difficult to implement. These problems mean that our nation needs a new transformation of anti-corruption. From a realistic standpoint, the practical background of anti-corruption is changing.'The rise of the public' is calling for a new way to anti-corruption. From a technological dimension, the Internet and the new communication technologies create new public space;from an organizational dimension, a variety of non-governmental organizations have an influence on the process of anti-corruption; from a cultural dimension, civism plays an important role in public affairs.So 'The rise of the public' becomes a new social environment of anti-corruption. Therefore, we should treat Governance Theory as a theoretical basis of anti-corruption mode' transformation. We should comprehend Governance Theory from polycentricity and cooperation. Our nation needs institutional innovations to carry out the transformation of anti-corruption. To be specific, we should ensure the public participate in integrity policy making, prompt system construction and enhance the power of anti-corruption by mult

关 键 词: 腐败 治理 反腐模式 转型

领  域: [政治法律—政治学] [政治法律—中外政治制度]


作者 孙健
作者 陈兆仓
作者 曾蔚阳
作者 李国年
作者 秦为芬


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
机构 广州大学公共管理学院


作者 程浩
作者 唐娟
作者 孙晓玲
作者 宋腊梅
作者 刘琳