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Research on the Intervention Mode of College Graduates' Physical Health Classification

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东培正学院

出  处: 《廊坊师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2014年第2期100-103,共4页

摘  要: 采用文献资料法、实验法、比较分析法,对高校毕业生体质健康状况分类干预模式进行研究。结果显示:高校毕业生体质健康状况分类干预模式可行性不存在问题;该模式能为高校毕业生体质健康状况建立预警—干预机制,能有效改善毕业生体质健康水平,达到提高终身体育素养的目的;该模式具有全局性、针对性、可操作性与普适性的优点;对于部分抗拒干预的毕业生制约手段不足和对部分毕业生干预效果不理想是该模式需要改进的地方。 The intervention mode of college graduates' physical health classification was studied using literature review, experiment and comparative analysis. The results indicate that the intervention mode of college graduates' physical health classification is feasibly and will conduce to establishment of an early-warning intervention mechanism for college graduates' physical health monitoring, accordingly effectively enhancing the physical health of graduates and offering a way to lifelong cultivation of graduates; physical health. This mode features globality, pertinence, feasibility and universality. Yet it still has two drawbacks needing to be further improved, including lack of restrictions on some graduates resisting to such intervention and poor intervention results on some graduates.

关 键 词: 高校毕业生 体质健康 体适能 分类 干预

领  域: [文化科学—运动人体科学] [文化科学—体育学]


作者 练志宁
作者 郑如城
作者 余卫平
作者 周巧燕
作者 陈春平


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州体育学院
机构 广东工业大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东岭南职业技术学院
