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The Origination of Jiangnan Ship Boxing in Suzhou and Its Evolution

作  者: ; (秦琦峰);

机构地区: 苏州大学体育学院

出  处: 《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第3期167-173,共7页

摘  要: 江南船拳是中国古代体育史上带有浓郁江南特色的项目,在武术史和地域文化发展史上都有一定影响。它发源于苏州,布散于吴越地区,最初为水军武艺,用于自卫防身,后来逐渐演变为民俗休闲文化活动。苏州船拳以闭口船拳和开口船拳为主要形式。其中闭口船拳的演练,需要江南丝竹的音乐伴奏;开口船拳的演练,则要同时用苏州方言吟唱江南小调。其惟武惟文,寓功于乐,既是江南历史文化传统的体现,也迎合了体育运动发展的趋势。从这个意义上说,研究江南船拳,可以丰富对吴文化发展的认知,同时也可以加深对体育运动史的理解。这个具有特色的传统体育项目,不应该消失于历史发展中,而如何激发其存在和再生功能,值得体育学研究者与地域文化学者思考。 Jiangnan Ship Boxing is a kind of martial art that originated in the south of the Yangtze River area, and it is part of local history of martial art and regional culture. It found widespread acceptance in the Wu-yue area. It emerged initially as combat and self-defense skills for navy, and later evolved into folk culture activities. There are two main forms of Suzhou Ship Boxing known as Kaikou and Bikou. The Bikou Ship Boxing goes with Jiangnan folk music while Kaikou Ship Boxing goes with singing in Suzhou dialect. Combing sports and arts, it not only embodies the historical culture of Jiangnan, but also caters to the trend of sports. In this sense, by studying Jiangnan Ship Boxing, we can enrich the knowledge of the development of Wu culture as well as better our understanding of the history of sports. This unique sport should be preserved and explored.

关 键 词: 江南船拳 身体图式 形成背景 历史演变

领  域: [文化科学—体育学]


作者 关璐
作者 周新华
作者 刘兴东
作者 马慧雯
作者 劳平


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 肇庆学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
