作 者: ;
机构地区: 深圳大学外国语学院
出 处: 《周易研究》 2015年第2期72-78,共7页
摘 要: 大易翻译学以易理为哲学依据,从新的视角研究翻译。文章论证了大易翻译学的五大观点:(1)翻译的本质是"文化交易";(2)翻译所追求的最高境界是"太和";(3)翻译的总原则是"求同存异";(4)翻译的策略可归纳为"阴化"和"阳化";(5)翻译应"与时偕行",复译成为必要。这些观点及其论证为大易翻译学的构建做了一定的铺垫。 Changes-based translatology is a new approach to translation based on the principles conceived in the Book of Changes. It advances and expounds the views on translation including: (a) The nature of translation is "cross-cultural communication"; ( b) The criterion for translation is "great harmony"; (c) The principle of translation is "to preserve differences while seeking common ground" ; (d) The strategy of translation is the adaptation to the waxing and waning of yin and yang forces; ( e) Retranslation should take place in accordance with the conditions of the time. These views mark an initial explora tion into the Changes-based translatology.
领 域: [哲学宗教—中国哲学] [语言文字—语言学]