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Anti-Corruption Strategies from the Perspective of Theories Relating to Daily Life

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

出  处: 《廉政文化研究》 2015年第5期16-20,共5页

摘  要: 腐败从非日常生活领域向日常生活领域渗透,出现二者的混同,其背后有深刻的社会文化、制度规范和思维方式等方面的原因。在日常生活理论视阈下探讨反腐败有助于针对不同领域、不同主体的责任,理清情、理、法的关系。在日常生活领域,应从日常消费、日常交往、日常休闲和日常观念等方面加强反腐败;在非日常生活领域,应从推进社会主义民主法治,加强法律法规、道德和纪律的约束着手,推动干部思维图式从自发走向自觉,克服私人情感等对公权力运作的影响。 There can be found deep-rooted reasons of culture, institutional norms and ways of thinking for the effusion of corruption from non-daily life to the daily life. Analyses of anti corruption from the perspective of the Theory of Daily Life are helpful in different areas, to clarify the responsibilities of different subjects, and to clarify the relationship among emotion, reason and the law. The above analyses can be of help in taking targeted measures against corruption. In the field of daily life, we need to take measures against corruption in these areas: daily consumption, daily communication, daily recreational activities and daily perceptions of ideas. In the field of non-daily life, we need to take measures against corruption in these areas: strengthening supervision of the masses, strengthening laws and regulations, ethics and disciplines etc. Through various measures, we can promote the thinking patterns of cadres from spontaneity to consciousness, and overcome the influence of personal emotions on public power.

关 键 词: 日常生活理论 反腐败 社会主义民主法治

领  域: [政治法律—政治学] [政治法律—中共党史]


作者 谢加书
作者 谢加书
作者 蔡东丽
作者 童光政
作者 邵世凤


机构 广州大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
机构 暨南大学


作者 唐娟
作者 孙晓玲
作者 宋腊梅
作者 刘琳
作者 范绍庆