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Metrical Poetry Antithesis Changes of Third Groups

作  者: ;

机构地区: 嘉应学院文学院

出  处: 《中国文学研究》 2015年第2期49-56,共8页

摘  要: 律诗自唐成熟至今,成为中国古代诗歌重要的创作体式,在格律、章法上历代诗人都以唐律为不二法式,严格遵守平仄、粘合、对仗、韵式的要求、起承转合的原则,尤其对颈"转"的问题非常用心,因为唐宋以来诗人和诗学理论家普遍认为颈联的转换是特别重要的,所以,各种颈"转"之法,包括境与事、境与理、境与情、事与理、事与情、情与理互转和境与境、事与事、情与情、理与理相转等越来越为诗人所重视,直至今天,仍然是律诗创作、律诗审美不容忽视的艺术技巧。 poems from the Tang Dynasty has become mature, creative style important Chinese ancient poetry, rhyme, in order to generations of a poet in the Tang Dynasty poems are as the best French, strictly abide by the level tone and narrow tone, adhesion, antithesis and rhyme style requirements, collar, undertake, conversion, integration principle, especially very good on the triple "con- version" of the problem, since the Tang and Song Dynasties poet and literary theorist is generally believed that conversion third linked level is particularly important, so all kinds of the triple "conversion" of the law, including environment and things, environment and science, environment and emotion, and reason, thing and feeling, emotion and the mutual conversion and physical environment and the environment, things, the sentiment and the sentiment, science and physical phase transformation and so on more and more as a poet of the attention, until today, is still the poems, poetry aesthetic can not be ignored in the artistic skills.

关 键 词: 律诗 颈联 转换

领  域: [文学—中国文学]


作者 李荀华
作者 杨映红


机构 嘉应学院文学院
机构 汕头职业技术学院
机构 学院


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作者 祝学剑
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