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Cultivation of Ambiguity Tolerance and Critical Thinking In Culture-Oriented General-Education Courses

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学外国语学院

出  处: 《湖北第二师范学院学报》 2017年第12期94-99,共6页

摘  要: 模糊容忍度是一种容忍差异的能力。跨文化交际能力要求尊重差异。跨文化人才的培养需要提高学习者的模糊容忍度。基于相应调查,发现模糊容忍度高的学习者在案例文化分析中体现出更强的思辨能力。本文基于英语国别文化的教学实践提出跨文化人才培养方面的措施:提高学习者的模糊容忍度以促进其文化适应能力、提升学习者的思辨能力以促进其文化分析能力。在这两方面结合认知主义理论探讨了文化体系的结构化讲授和中英差异的思辨讨论在英语国别文化通识教育中的具体措施和相应依据,以期降低学习者的心理模糊感和不确定感,增强对差异的思辨和容忍,促进模糊容忍度和思辨能力的双重培养。 Ambiguity tolerance is the ability to tolerate differences. Intercultural communication calls for respect for cultural differences. This paper suggests that students need to have a higher degree of ambiguity tolerance for better development in cross-cultural ability. It is found from a survey that students with higher degree of ambiguity tolerance show better critical thinking ability in the task of analyzing the host culture.Based on teaching practice in a culture-oriented general-education course,this paper recommends that reform in culture teaching be done from two aspects: increasing students ' ambiguity tolerance to improve their adaptability to different cultures,and strengthening students ' critical thinking to improve their ability in cultural analysis. Cognitive theory is incorporated to show specific measures that could be taken in culture teaching. Cultivation of ambiguity tolerance and critical thinking in combination is expected to lower students' psychological uncertainty and increase their acceptance of cultural differences,thus contributing to success in culture acquisition.

关 键 词: 模糊容忍度 文化习得 思辨 通识教育

领  域: [语言文字—英语]


作者 罗玉交
作者 卿崧
作者 岳中奇
作者 王家明
作者 李军军


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学外国语言文化学院
机构 广东技术师范学院
