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A Study on the Stylistic Features and Philological Value of the Xiaojing Zhengzhu Yishu in Dunhuang

作  者: ;

机构地区: 阜阳师范学院文学院

出  处: 《阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第5期60-65,共6页

摘  要: 敦煌本《孝经郑注义疏》是一部介于义理经学与训诂经学之间的著作形式,它没有隋唐义疏体常见的《序》言、篇序,只存有主体部分。其内容不仅训释词义、串讲句义,而且诠释经文名物制度;不仅守郑玄一家之言,而且旁征博引诸家之说。在注释体例上,敦煌本《孝经郑注义疏》具有南北朝时期义疏体式的基本特点,即科判章段、揭示章旨、补充疏释、征引成说、施加按语、考辨经义等。此外,在义疏学史的研究上,敦煌本《孝经郑注义疏》具有重要的文献学价值,是研究南北朝义疏体著作外部体式、基本注疏原则和考察后世《孝经》类义疏体著书发展的珍贵资料。 Xiaojing Zhengzhu Yishu is a book which lies between the Confucian classics argumentation and the Chinese exegetics. It does not have the "preface" as the yishu of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, only the main part. It not only interprets the meaning of words and the sentences, but also the Name System. It not only keeps the words of Zhengxuan, but also quotes the notes of others. Xiaojing Zhengzhu Yishu has the basic characteristics in the annotation style of yishu in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It includes the division section, revelation of the main contents of the chapter, supplementary explanation, reference previous comments, adding the author' s own notes and analysing the scriptures. Xiaojing Zhengzhu Yishu has an important literary value on the study of the history ofyishu. It can study the external style and the basic principle ofyishu in the northern and southern dynasties, and investigate the development of types of Xiaojing Yishu.

关 键 词: 敦煌本 孝经郑注义疏 体式 语料价值

领  域: [语言文字—汉语]


作者 左岩
作者 万毅
作者 徐望驾
作者 马承玉
作者 石微


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州中医药大学人文社科学院
机构 暨南大学
