机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易学院
出 处: 《广东商学院学报》 2010年第6期64-70,共7页
摘 要: 居民的医疗保健消费对扩大我国城镇居民消费意义重大。基于粤苏浙三省的分析表明,人均收入、政府对卫生事业投入、老龄化等是城镇居民医疗保健消费的主要影响因素。由于健康服务和产品特别是非医疗性健康服务和产品供给不足、居民健康消费意识较为滞后等因素的影响,近年来城镇居民医疗保健的边际消费倾向、需求收入弹性及医疗保健消费占人均消费支出的比例均偏低,表明中、高收入人群的医疗保健消费仍有较大发展空间。要采取多种措施,有效促进城镇居民的医疗健康消费。 As an important part of resident consumption, health care consumption has significant importance in promoting the urban resident consumption in China. By analyzing health care consumption of urban residents in Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces, the studies shows that average income, government investment and aging, etc are the main the factors that determine the health care consumption. Due to factors such as insufficient health care services and production, non medical health care services and production in particular, the laging resident health care consumption consciousness etc, the marginal consumption tendency, income elasticity of demand, the proportion of health care consumption expenditure in the entire consumption expenditure of urban residents are relatively low. The study demonstrates that there still exists a large development space in health care consumption potentiality among the high income groups. Therefore, measures should be carried out to promote the health care consumption of urban resident effectively.
关 键 词: 城镇居民消费 医疗保健消费 边际消费倾向 需求收入弹性
领 域: [医药卫生—卫生统计学] [医药卫生—卫生事业管理] [医药卫生—公共卫生与预防医学] [经济管理—国民经济]