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Difficulties in Philosophy Education: To Teach “the Unteachable”

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华中科技大学

出  处: 《山西师大学报:社会科学版》 2023年第2期73-82,共10页

摘  要: 实证科学研究把各种不同的具体东西归入一定的概念体系中,以便通过概念体系把握事物的一般规律。这种做法舍弃了生活中那些大量的无法用概念表达的东西。而要真正地认识事物,我们就必须把握这种东西。为了把握这种东西我们不能满足于命名或者直觉,我们必须借助于概念,而当我们运用概念的时候,我们又必须超出概念,用改变来说明概念所无法表达的东西。哲学所研究的形而上学的东西就是这种超出概念的东西。由于这种东西超出了概念,无法直接用概念来交流,这就造成了哲学教学的困难。这就需要一种形而上学的经验。阿多诺通过对于无限东西的把握来说明这种形而上学经验的特点。在哲学教学中,我们需要培养学生的形而上学经验。我们可以通过概念分析、通过哲学家的思想的内在批判,通过描述和思辨相结合、哲学和实证科学相结合的方式来培养学生这方面的能力。 Positive scientific research classifies various concrete things into a certain conceptual system in order to grasp the general law of things through the conceptual system.This approach leaves behind much of life that cannot be conceptually expressed.To really know things, we must grasp them. In order to grasp things, we must not be satisfied with naming or intuition, rather we must resort to concept.When we use the concept, we must go beyond concept and try to illustrate what concept cannot express.The metaphysical area that philosophy deals with is these transcendental things.Since things go beyond concept and cannot be directly communicated by concept, it makes the teaching of philosophy difficult and requires a metaphysical experience.Adorno illustrates the characteristics of this metaphysical experience through the grasp of the infinite. In the teaching of philosophy, we need to cultivate students’ metaphysical experience.We can develop this ability through conceptual analysis, through the inner critique of philosophers’ ideas and through the combination of description and speculation, and philosophy and empirical science.

关 键 词: 哲学 教育 形而上学经验 智慧之学

领  域: [哲学宗教—哲学理论]


作者 旷三平
作者 方军
作者 王庆节
作者 黄汉林
作者 肖绍明


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 广州大学
