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On the Singaporean Chineseness of the Works by Dan Ying(Lew Poo Chan)

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《华文文学》 2017年第4期67-79,共13页

摘  要: 某种意义上说,淡莹相当成功的以诗作诠释了何谓新华性。她出生于马来亚,与新加坡社会共享类似的多元文化结构,她早年留学台湾,其诗作具有台湾型现代主义的风格,营构了一个有情的世界,这种气质与移民性吻合;而她留学美国后返回新加坡,又强化了其身上的文化中国性,因此她既涵化古典,又游刃太极。而步入中年以后,她对现实人生有着更为通达、圆润以及更为诗化的认知,比如她关注大千世界,也积极与自我对话,彰显本土情怀,同时她也具有超越性,并哲人般解释人生的课题。 In a sense, Dan Ying(Lew Poo Chan)has quite successfully explicated what Singaporean Chineseness means with her poetic works. Born in Malaysia, a country that shares a similar muhicuhural structure with Singapore, she went to study in Taiwan in her early years. As a resuh, her poetry, imbued with the modernist style of a Taiwan Residents type, constructs a world of emotion, whose qualities match the nature of migration. When she returned to Singapore after her studies in the U.S., the kind of cultural Chineseness in her was strengthened, enabling her to combine the classical with the universal. It was not till she reached her middle age that she gained a more poeticized, sensible and all-round cognition of real life, so that she was able to concern herself with the world at large as well as engage in a dialogue with herself, exhibiting a care for her own native land while also transcending it, explaining the issues of life in a philosophical way.

关 键 词: 淡莹 新华性 多元文化 诗化 中国性

领  域: [文学—世界文学]


作者 兰志成
作者 潘华实
作者 罗牧原
作者 朱崇科
作者 徐拥军


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东警官学院
机构 暨南大学
