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Spatial Pattern Characteristics of Urban Virtual-Real Vitality in the Digitization Context:A Case Study of Guangzhou

作  者: (江海燕); ;

机构地区: 广东工业大学建筑与城市规划学院

出  处: 《热带地理》 2023年第4期695-706,共12页

摘  要: 基于POI数据和抖音打卡数据,分析了广州虚实活力空间格局变化的特点和影响,探讨不同类型空间影响的异质性及其原因。结果表明:1)城市虚实活力空间格局总体上均表现出由中心城区向外围地区活力递减的圈层结构,说明实体空间是支撑虚拟空间运行的基础。2)数字化带来的线上-线下交互作用形成三类活力空间——传统活力增强空间、传统活力衰退空间和新型网红空间,三类空间的分布特征各异:传统活力增强空间集中分布在中心城区及其毗邻区域,外围地区呈现多中心集聚特征;传统活力衰退空间呈现分散分布的特征,主要位于中心城区边缘及外围地区;新型网红空间呈现“散点式”“离散形”的分布特征。3)移动短视频类数字平台对不同类型空间活力的影响具有异质性,对景点类、休闲娱乐类、运动健身类空间的活力具有提升作用,对美食类空间的活力影响不明显,而对商业购物类空间活力的影响存在明显分化。基于此,提出了数字化背景下城市活力提升的策略:首先,应重视数字化对城市空间形态的影响,充分认识数字化在塑造城市活力空间中的作用。其次,城市规划建设应着眼于线上-线下互动的发展趋势,通过引入数字技术和手段,促进实体空间和虚拟空间的融合互补。最后,数字化转型给不同类型的城市空间提供了不同的发展机遇和挑战,应因地制宜地制定相应的活力提升策略。 With the rapid development of information technology and social media platforms,digitization has not only given rise to new types of urban vitality spaces but also profoundly changed traditional spatial forms and constructions through online and offline interactions.This study aims to analyze the characteristics and impacts of the changing virtual and physical vitality space forms in Guangzhou and adduce theoretical references and practical insights for urban development and vitality enhancement.Using POI data and TikTok check-in data,this study conducts a spatial analysis of the spatial characteristics and changes of virtual and physical vitality in Guangzhou.The results show that:(1)The spatial patterns of urban virtual and physical vitality generally show a cyclic structure of decreasing vitality from the central urban area to the peripheral areas,indicating that physical space is the basis for the operation of virtual space.(2)Online and offline digital interactions form three types of vitality spaces:a traditional vitality-enhancing space,traditional vitality-declining space,and new Internet celebrity space,whose spatial distribution characteristics differ,with the new Internet celebrity space showing a scattered and discrete distribution.(3)The impact of mobile short video digital platform on the vitality of different types of spaces is heterogeneous,with a boosting effect for scenic spots,leisure and entertainment spots,and sports and fitness spaces,while the impact on food and beverage spaces is smaller.Scenic spots,leisure and recreation spots,and sports and fitness spaces have less impact on spatial vitality,while commercial shopping has a significant heterogeneous impact on spatial vitality.This study seeks to demonstrate the validity of combining POI data and TikTok check-in data to explore the relationship between digitalization and urban vitality space along the digital and social media dimensions and to enrich the research method of urban vitality space.In addition,this study shows that:First,the i

关 键 词: 城市活力 城市虚实空间 移动短视频 空间格局 数字化 广州

领  域: [建筑科学—城市规划与设计]


作者 邱丽婷
作者 王豪菁
作者 姚颖
作者 陈晓燕
作者 陈平


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学
