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Study on construction and application of evaluation index system of low-carbon agriculture in Guangdong

作  者: (谢淑娟); (匡耀求); (黄宁生); ;

机构地区: 广东省社会科学院

出  处: 《生态环境学报》 2013年第6期916-923,共8页

摘  要: 本文对低碳农业评价指标体系的构建进行深入探讨,主要从农业生产要素产出效率、能源利用低碳化水平、农业生产方式低碳化水平、农业碳汇效应4个维度构建指标体系,并运用德尔菲法、加乘混合合成法确立综合指标评价值及设定低碳农业发展水平的等级评价标准,以此为科学量化评价农业低碳发展水平提供一个简便工具,实现对低碳农业评价由定性描述向定量分析的转变。在此基础上,将该评价指标体系应用于对广东省低碳农业发展综合评价的实证研究,以期为农业决策者制定和实施科学的低碳发展政策提供依据。研究结果显示,2006—2010年广东省低碳农业发展水平与低碳农业发展要求尚有较大差距,处于从较高碳发展水平向中碳发展水平迈进的阶段;"农业生产方式低碳化水平"成为广东农业低碳发展的最大制约性因素;与全国其他9省区比较,广东省低碳农业发展综合指数属于中等偏下的位次。由此可见,当前广东省高碳化的现代农业发展模式,成为阻碍低碳农业发展的最大因素;而坚持现有耕地的有效保护与合理拓展有效耕地面积,并因地制宜地提高农地的复种指数,对增强广东种植业的碳汇效应,保护和改善生态环境具有关键性的作用。 In the context of global warming, low-carbon agriculture is becoming the new exploration hot spot in the field of agriculture. However, So far, research on the comprehensive evaluation index system of low-carbon agriculture rarely published in the literature, academic research on the low-carbon development in agriculture is mostly limited to a qualitative study of the development of low-carbon agriculture, quantitative evaluation of low-carbon agriculture haven't established a comprehensive set of metrics. Therefore, how to evaluate scientifically the assessment of the level of low-carbon agricultural development, and build a reasonable and effective evaluation system for low-carbon agriculture, are of great significance to low-carbon transition of China's agricultural production methods. For this reason, in this article, we explore the construction of low-carbon agricultural evaluation index system to provide some basis for the quantitative evaluation of low-carbon agriculture, we established a four-dimensional comprehensive evaluation index system, i.e. output efficiency of agricultural production factors, low carbon level of energy utilization, low carbon level of agricultural production mode and carbon sink effect of agriculture, and evaluated the development level of low-carbon agriculture in Guangdong from 2006 to 2010 by using the comprehensive elevation methods such as Delphi method and addition-multiplication synthesis method, so as to draw the following conclusions: there is still significant difference between the development level of low-carbon agriculture in Guangdong and the requirement for low-carbon agriculture development, and the agriculture in Guangdong is from the higher carbon development level to the medium carbon development level; compared with other 9 provinces and regions throughout the country, the composite index of low-carbon agriculture development in Guangdong is in the lower middle level. By using the index variable weight diagnostic method, we found that the lower index of �

关 键 词: 低碳农业 指标体系 构建 评价 广东

领  域: [环境科学与工程—环境科学]


作者 毛旭艳
作者 谭旺才
作者 范宏伟
作者 张璇
作者 杜宁


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 中山大学
