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Why Modern People are so Apathetic?——The Reflection and Revelation of The Dialectics of Enlightenment on the Problems of Modernity

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华中科技大学人文学院哲学系

出  处: 《学习与探索》 2018年第12期18-24,187,共8页

摘  要: 尽管思想史上许多人指出了现代人的冷漠特性,比如萨特从现象学的角度来说明人在对象化中对他人的冷漠,但是霍克海默和阿多诺在《启蒙辩证法》中对现代人的冷漠的分析是建立在庸俗化了的历史唯物主义的基础上的:现代人把改造自然的方法用来处理自己与他人的关系,并用这种方法对待自己。这种冷漠表现为"灵魂的物化",把他人当作物,把自己当作工具,用物化的态度对待自己的自然情感。在这样的物化体系中,人如同监狱里的罪犯,这些罪犯自己规训自己、自己控制自己。在由这种控制而产生的对自然情感的压抑的基础上,法西斯主义的那种施虐和受虐心理就产生了。这种社会心理的社会基础就是现代工业文明。这种社会心理是工具理性的原则在心灵中的固化。它导致了人的精神的贫乏和经验的贫乏。这种精神贫乏和经验贫乏的人是大众。他们依赖工具理性才能在功能组织中结合在一起,如果不是如此,那么他们就成为赶时髦、随大流的大众,成为自愿接受压迫的大众。法西斯主义就是利用了这些大众。 Many theologists have pointed out that modern people are apathetic,for example,Satre has demonstrated that people would be indifferent to others from the phenomenological perspective,while Horkheimer and Adorno,s based their analysis of that apathetic characteristics on vulgar historical materialism:modern people deal with interpersonal relationship,and even with themselves by modifying the control of nature.This apathy manifests itself as“reification of soul”.It treats other people as things,treat themselves as tools,and takes the attitude of reification to their own natural feelings.In such a system of reification,people are so solitude as criminals in a prison,where these criminals have to discipline themselves and control themselves.Due to such a repression of natural feeling that is caused by forced control,the sadism and masochism of fascism could arise.The social base of this social mentality is modern industrial civilization.And this kind of social mentality is the solidification of the principle of instrumental reason in people's soul.It has caused the poverty in spirit and poverty of experience.The people who are in poverty of spirit and poverty of experience are mass population.They could only integrate into the functional organization through instrumental reason,if not so,they would be among the mass that only follow the fashion trend and swim the tide,who would voluntarily accept social oppression.It is this kind of mass whom fascist has taken advantage of.

关 键 词: 冷漠 启蒙辩证法 工具理性 大众

领  域: [哲学宗教—哲学理论]


作者 邓家梅
作者 周海玲
作者 侯永广
作者 余俊波
作者 徐小青


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
