机构地区: 四川师范大学教育科学学院
出 处: 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 2007年第4期8-16,共9页
摘 要: 教育机会平等的涵义至少应包括发展机会起点的平等、教育机会实现过程本身的平等、承认并尊重社会成员在发展潜力方面的“自然”差异及由此所带来的教育机会拥有方面的某些“不平等”。通过分析教育机会平等的理念依据和现实依据,阐述政府在义务教育领域和非义务教育领域方面所应承担的责任是本文的主旨。 The significance of the equal oppol tunity of education concerns at least with the access and realization of education. Meanwhile, the natural or gifted differences and the varying unequal attempts should be equally recognized. In addition, the theoretical and realistic bases need to be reviewed regarding the governmental commitment of the compulsory and free education.