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Specialized Knowledge Search, Management Innovation and Firm Performance: The Moderating Effect of Cognitive Appraisal

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学经济与贸易学院

出  处: 《管理世界》 2020年第1期146-166,228,共22页

摘  要: 本研究基于探索/利用双元分析框架,将管理创新划分为利用式管理创新和探索式管理创新两个维度,并将知识搜寻和认知评价的理论观点整合到现有管理创新采纳与实施过程理论模型中,构建了一个研究模型,以考察双元管理创新的采纳过程及其实施对企业绩效的影响。本文以我国华南地区468家制造型企业为问卷调查对象,对上述研究模型进行实证检验,结果表明:(1)科学型知识搜寻主要促进探索式管理创新;市场型知识搜寻对利用式和探索式管理创新均有正向影响;供应链型知识搜寻主要促进利用式管理创新;(2)科学型知识搜寻与探索式管理创新间的关系同时受到风险性认知(负向)、匹配性认知(正向)和复杂性认知(负向)的调节效应影响;市场型知识搜寻与利用式管理创新间的关系仅受到复杂性认知的负向调节效应影响;供应链型知识搜寻与利用式管理创新间的关系同时受到风险性认知(负向)、匹配性认知(正向)和复杂性认知(正向)的调节效应影响,但其与探索式管理创新间的关系仅受到匹配性认知的负向调节效应影响;(3)利用式管理创新与企业绩效呈倒U型关系;探索式管理创新与企业绩效呈正U型关系。研究结论对于厘清管理创新的复杂采纳过程及其实施机理有一定的理论贡献,同时对企业顺利开展管理创新具有一定的实践启示意义。 As the Chinese economy enters a new era marked by the"transition from rapid growth to high-quali-ty development", innovation plays a more prominent role as the primary driving force of economic development. Com-pared to technological innovation research, management innovation(MI)is still an emerging research area, and thereare still many issues to be further explored. First, most of the current studies have discussed MI as a single-dimen-sional variable. It remains to be further studied whether the classical explorative/exploitative ambidextrous analysisframework can depict the multidimensional characteristics of MI effectively. Second, as the most important"internalchange agents", how can the Top Management Team(TMT)members exert their influence on the adoption of MIhas not been paid enough attention in previous studies. Third, it is difficult to measure the true level of firm’s MI ac-curately from single dimension. This study measures MI based on the explorative/exploitative ambidextrous analysisframework, and constructs the theoretical and logical relationships between different dimensions of MI and firm perfor-mance. Furthermore, this study tests these relationships empirically, which may gain a deeper understanding on"howMI affects firm performance".Based on the explorative/exploitative ambidextrous analysis framework, this study divides MI into two dimensions:explorative MI and exploitative MI, and integrates the theoretical viewpoints of knowledge search and cognitive appraisalinto the existing theoretical model of MI adoption and implementation processes. Furthermore, we divide knowledge searchinto three dimensions: science-driven search, market-driven search, and supply-driven search. Then we explore thedifferentiation influence mechanisms of knowledge search on ambidextrous MI. We next divide TMT members’ cognitionof MI into three dimensions: risk cognition, fit cognition, and complexity cognition from the theoretical perspective ofcognitive appraisal, and then explore their moderating effects in th

关 键 词: 管理创新 专业化知识搜寻 认知评价 企业绩效

领  域: [经济管理—企业管理] [经济管理—国民经济]


作者 湛正群
作者 吴隽
作者 欧阳峰
作者 欧志红
作者 岳艳明


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学管理学院


作者 张岩鸿
作者 周月容
作者 周宇
作者 周琼
作者 郑志军