机构地区: 暨南大学珠海学院管理科学与工程研究所
出 处: 《美中经济评论》 2008年第1期34-40,共7页
摘 要: 创建现代管理科学的中国学派,是一项重大的历史使命,也是一项艰巨复杂的系统工程。创建的基本途径是:洋为中用、古为今用、近为今用、综合集成,其中近为今用是重点。创建工作具有必要性、可行性和紧迫性。任重道远,要有千军万马,至少要十年左右的时间。 Setting up the Chinese School of Modem Management Science (CSMMS) is an important historical mission, and also is great complex systems engineering. The basic paths are making foreign things serve China, making the past serve the present, making the latter days serve the present, and meta-synthesis. Among them, making the latter days serve the present is the key point. Setting the CSMMS has necessity, possibility and urgency. The mission is heavy and time-consuming, which needs many managers and scholars to achieve within at least ten years.