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Agricultural Machinery Socialization Service Adoption,Endowment Difference and Alleviation of Rural Economic Relative Poverty

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学经济管理学院

出  处: 《南方经济》 2021年第2期1-18,共18页

摘  要: 进入以缓解相对贫困为重点的后扶贫时代,农村经济相对贫困问题仍不容忽视。农机社会化服务作为小农户与现代农业有机衔接的桥梁,对于推进乡村振兴战略和脱贫攻坚有序衔接具有重要作用。文章讨论的核心议题是农机社会化服务采纳如何缓解农村经济相对贫困,并尝试建立了"农机社会化服务采纳——禀赋差异缩小——农村经济相对贫困缓解"的理论分析框架。为此,文章首先对农机社会化服务采纳影响农村经济相对贫困的作用机制进行了理论分析,然后利用2750份河南省农户问卷调查数据,运用Logit模型,实证检验农机社会化服务采纳对农村经济相对贫困的影响,并通过替代核心自变量和变更样本的方法进行稳健性检验,运用PSM模型和IVProbit模型以及ERM模型进行内生性讨论,最后通过中介效应模型对其作用机制进行验证。结果表明,农机社会化服务采纳对农村经济相对贫困具有显著负向影响,缓解了农村经济相对贫困。考虑内生性后,结论仍具有稳健性。进一步的机制验证发现,农机社会化服务采纳通过缩小劳动力禀赋差异和技术禀赋差异,缓解农村经济相对贫困,劳动力禀赋差异缩小和技术禀赋差异缩小的中介效应占比分别为21.22%和7.36%。可见,应将完善农机社会化服务供需体系纳入农户相对贫困治理机制考虑范畴,引导农户从传统家庭化生产转向现代社会化生产,扩大农机社会化服务采纳范围;同时完善就业服务等相关配套体系以吸纳释放的弱劳动力,促进农户收入增长,缓解农村经济相对贫困。 In the post poverty alleviation era,which focuses on alleviating relative poverty,the problem of economic relative poverty of rural cannot be ignored.As a bridge between small farmers and modern agriculture,the agricultural machinery socialization service plays an important role in promoting the orderly connection of rural revitalization strategy and poverty alleviation.The core issue discussed in this paper is How to alleviate the economic relative poverty of rural by adopting the agricultural machinery socialization service,and try to establish the theoretical analysis framework of"adoption of agricultural machinery socialization service-reduction of endowment difference-alleviation of economic relative poverty of rural".Therefore,this paper first analyzes the mechanism of the impact of the adoption of agricultural machinery socialization service on the economic relative poverty of rural,Then,using the survey data of 2750 households in Henan Province,the logit model is used to empirically test the impact of the adoption of agricultural machinery socialization service on the economic relative poverty of rural,and the robustness test is conducted by replacing the core independent variables and changing samples.At the same time,the endogenous discussion is conducted by using PSM model,IVProbit model and ERM model.Finally,the mediation effect model is used to verify the impact mechanism of agricultural machinery socialization service adoption on economic relative poverty of rural,The results show that agricultural machinery socialization service adoption has a significant negative impact on economic relative poverty of rural and alleviates the economic relative poverty of rural.After endogeneity is considered,the results are still robust.Further mechanism verification shows that agricultural machinery socialization service adoption can alleviate economic relative poverty of rural by reducing the difference between labor and technology endowment.The mediating effects of narrowing the differences of labor endowment a

关 键 词: 农户 农机社会化服务 相对贫困 禀赋差异

领  域: [经济管理—产业经济]


作者 熊满澄
作者 梁柠欣
作者 邵韵怡
作者 陈春慧
作者 陈芳妹


机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东财经大学


作者 邓志旺
作者 蒋学民