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Optimal Group-buying Strategies for Competing Retailers with Fairness Concern Behavior

作  者: ; (钟远光);

机构地区: 华南理工大学工商管理学院

出  处: 《中国管理科学》 2021年第11期158-169,共12页

摘  要: 本文考虑一个由两个竞争的零售商和一个供应商组成的两级供应链,其中供应商可通过提供批量折扣契约向两家竞争的零售商销售产品,而零售商表现出纵向公平关切(即当获得利润小于供应商的利润时,其获得一个负效用)。并且,考虑的两个零售商为了获得较低的批发价格可能更喜欢团购,进而它们将选择最佳订单数量来最大化其自身的效用。利用经典的纳什议价解决方案作为公平参考点,本文主要研究竞争与公平关切行为将如何影响零售商的联合购买策略。研究发现,当零售商追求公平时,联合购买策略优于单独购买策略,且越大竞争强度使得使用联合购买策略的优势越明显。此外,当零售商表现出不同的公平关切程度时,若批量折扣比例比较低,对公平关切敏感的零售商的效用总是小于对公平关切不敏感的零售商的效用;否则,对公平关切敏感的零售商的效用总是大于对公平关切不敏感的零售商的效用。 Group-buying strategy is widely used in the procurement model of the enterprise, which is beneficial for enterprises to improve bargaine power, reduce purchase cost and so on. Most of the existing studies have assumed that supply chain members are completely rational, ignoring that decision makers are often pursuing fairness. A two-level supply chain consisting of one supplier and two competing retailers is studied by considering the decision maker’s behavioral characteristics—fair concerns and quantity discount contracts into the traditional model. On this basis, the decision-making model of two competing retailers ordering from the same supplier is established. Under the premise of supplier fairness neutrality and retailer performance fairness, the retailers’ optimal strategies and maximum utilities are obtained by using the optimization theory. In the case of the symmetry of the two retailers, the influence of the retailers’ optimal ordering strategy selection, fair concern parameters, quantity discount ratio, competition intensity and bargaining power on the optimal order quantities are theoretically analyzed. The results show that the competition intensity and quantity discount ratio are positively correlated with the optimal order quantities of the retailers. The influence of bargaining power and fairness concern parameters on the retailer’s order quantity are related to the quantity discount ratio. Finally, numerical examples are conducted to analyze the heterogeneous and nonlinear quantity discount ratios of two retailers and the joint purchase by multiple retailers. Our numerical results are consistent with the theoretical analysis obtained in the paper.

关 键 词: 两级供应链 联合购买策略 竞争 公平关切 量折扣

领  域: [经济管理—管理学]


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机构 汕头大学商学院


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