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Plants, Diseases and Wars: Introduction of Cinchona Trees in Guangdong in the Republic of China(1929-1949)

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学

出  处: 《中国农史》 2020年第2期135-144,F0003,共11页

摘  要: 金鸡纳树原产美洲,因其树皮为重要抗疟药物而受到各国重视。民国时期,广东先后十余次引种金鸡纳树。通过史料考辨,可以推断广东引种金鸡纳树的时间在1929年,为大陆最早引种金鸡纳树的省份。民国广东金鸡纳树引种主要以政府为主导,呈现多次、多路径、多品种、多形式引种的复杂情形。最终虽取得育苗成功,却因资金、战争、技术、人事等因素的影响,始终未实现规模化种植。通过将广东金鸡纳树的引种过程置于国内外政治、经济、疾病视野下考察,不仅体现了民国时期新树种引种的艰难历程,而且可以展现金鸡纳从经济作物、战略资源回归药用植物本质的"身份转换"过程。 Cinchona tree is native to the Americas and is valued by countries for its bark as an important antimalarial drug. During the period of Republic of China, Cinchona trees were introduced into Guangdong for more than ten times. According to the analysis of historical records, it can be concluded that the time of introduction of the cinchona tree in Guangdong was in 1929, and it was the first province to introduce the cinchona tree in the mainland. The introduction of cinchona trees in Guangdong in the Republic of China was mainly led by the government,which presented a complex situation of multiple introduction, multiple paths, multiple varieties and multiple forms. Eventually, despite that the raising seedlings was succeed,the large-scale planting was unconsummated due to the influence of capital, war, technology and personnel.Through investigating the introduction process of Cinchona trees in Guangdong in the domestic and foreign perspectives of politics, economy and disease, it not only reflects the difficulty of introducing new tree species during the Republic of China, but also shows the "Identity conversion" process of Cinchona trees recurred to medicinal plants from cash crops and strategic resources.

关 键 词: 广东 金鸡纳树 引种 抗疟

领  域: []


作者 尹虹
作者 黄静
作者 罗冰
作者 梁剑波
作者 高一飞


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学历史文化学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东培正学院
