作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东司法警官职业学院
出 处: 《政法学刊》 2010年第3期113-117,共5页
摘 要: 北京奥运会安保工作的成功,"军警民三位一体、协调联动,形成了齐抓共管、群防群治"的精髓,值得广州亚运会安保工作的组织者、参与者借鉴。经过学习和总结,广州亚运安保工作应在加强和完善亚运安保指挥系统、合理安排亚运安保工作人员培训的层次与内容、制定安保预案和组织演练。在确保安全的同时,还应充分考虑人文关怀,为亚运会的参与者和观众构造人文氛围,实现"激情盛会,和谐亚洲"的承诺。 The success of security work in Beijing Olympic Games is a reflection of superiority of socialist system. Beijing model has the characteristics of military, police and civilian trinity and coordination. The Beijing Olympic Games security works succeeded in paying attention to the high technology, personnel training, international cooperation and large investment. Guangzhou can learn from Beijing' s experiences and set up the safeguardleading system, do the safeguard work, forbid the great accidents, pursue the spirit of humanism and pay great attention to the factors of science and technology and environment protection. " Thrilling games, harmonious Asia"as the goal of Asian Games can be achieved.
分 类 号: [D631.3]