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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东司法警官职业学院

出  处: 《安徽警官职业学院学报》 2019年第6期89-92,111共5页

摘  要: 罪犯职业技术教育是监狱针对罪犯进行教育改造的一项重要内容,是确保狱内罪犯习得职业技术技能进而顺利回归社会成为守法公民的重要途径之一。当前监狱在开展罪犯职业技术教育工作方面存在着诸如师资力量薄弱、教学资源匮乏、教学内容的针对性和实用性不强、教学资金短缺、教学对象积极性不高等问题。通过对这一系列问题进行分析,提出罪犯职业技术教育社会化建设的路径设想,可以有效整合社会资源,实现优势互补,着力提高罪犯职业技术教育的质量,促使罪犯重新适应社会角色,让其成为遵纪守法的公民和自力更生的劳动者。 As an important part of the prison's education and reform,criminal vocational and technical education is one of the important ways to ensure criminals can acquire vocational and technical skills and return to society smoothly.At present,there are some problems when prisons carried out criminal vocational and technical education,such as weak faculty,lack of teaching resources,less pertinence and practicality of teaching contents,shortage of teaching funds,and low motivation of teaching objects,etc.By analyzing this series of issues,the path of socialization of vocational and technical education for criminals is proposed,which can effectively integrate social resources,achieve complementary advantages,and strive to improve the quality of criminal vocational and technical education,to promote criminals to re-adapt to social roles and make them law-abiding citizens and self-reliant laborers.

关 键 词: 罪犯 职业技术教育 社会化 内涵 意义 路径

分 类 号: [D926.7]

领  域: []


